Moving in (pt 2)

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Y/N pov: 

I put the ice pack back into the fridge and grabbed my bag before walking up stairs.  Once I got into the room I threw my bag onto the bed.  I unzipped the bag and got out my phone and charger, I plugged my phone into the charger and let it charge.  My phone was only at 1% so I decided to rest for a bit to let it charge.  As I sat on the edge of the bed I started to look through my bag for a snack.  As I was looking I found the last thing I wanted to see.  A blade.  I took the blade and examined it closely.  Should I?  NO not know, not here.  I thought, I hesitantly got up and hid the blade in one of the bathroom drawers.  Maybe later, Maybe.  I walked over to Devyn's and Corey's room and knocked on the door softly.  
"Come in"  I heard Devyn say.  I peeked my head into the room and saw Devyn standing there. 
"what's up?"  she asked
"Oh nothing much, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out, but if you are busy I will just find something else to do."  I said 
"No,no come in, we can talk, or we can ask each other questions to get to know each other a little more"  she said motioning me to come in.
"Sure." I said sitting on the bed with her

"you go first"  I said

"Do you have a secret talent?"  she asked

"actually I do, I can bit ice cream with my teeth and not feel anything."(I can actually do this)

"okay, what is your favorite hobby?"  I asked, her eyes lit up. 

"I really like to do my makeup in my free time, its really fun."  She smiled brightly

"I can tell your makeup is always super pretty"  I said smiling back

"Thx" she said.   We kept asking each other questions and started to get to know each other better.  Then she asked a question that made my heart drop.

"So do you have a boyfriend?"  she asked, sudden memories of Brandon popped into my head when she said that, I started to play with my thumbs.

"I USED to have a boyfriend, but lets just not talk about him."  I said trying to sound as calm as I could.

"Hmmm, okay" she said and she picked up her phone. 

"Shoot I have to meet Corey at the gym in a few mins, do you wanna come?"  She asked glancing up at me. 

"No, I think I am fine for now, thx though."  I said standing and stretching my legs out.

"okay suit yourself" she said.  I walked out and into mine and Colby's room.  I got my phone witch was at 97%.  I looked at all my text messages and they were all from Brandon, and they were from today.  I looked through them all and read them 

Brandon= B

B:  I know you went to the house today

B:  where ever you are I will find you

B:  Don't ignore me

B: answer me

B: Bitch!

B: this is why no one loves you

B:  just tell me where you are and no one gets hurt

B: Y/N!!!
B: you can't hide for ever! I WILL FIND YOU AND THAT'S A FACT!!!!

There was more but as I was reading it I got a call from him.  I hung up and put my phone into my pocket before walking down stairs to get a bottle of water,  I felt my phone buzz in my pocket I tried to ignore it but its like it  got louder and louder each call.  Colby walked into the kitchen with Sam and Elton talking about something.  I just sat there drinking my water.

"Hey Y/N."  Sam said sitting next to me. 
"Hey" I replied 
" so whatcha guys talking about?"  I asked making a conversation
"Oh nothing much, just YouTube ideas and stuff"  Elton said. 

"Hey who's phone is buzzing?" Colby asked 

"mine"  I said denying the call again.  Dam he called me 26 times already.  I put my phone on the table and started talking with the boys, only to be interrupted again by my phone.  
"I will be back" I said, I walked into the backyard and answered the call.

Y/n:  what do you want! 

B: I want you and you want me too
Y/N:  No I Don't, can you just leave me alone

B: Don't fucking talk to me like that, Bitch!

Y/N:  I can talk to you however the Fuck I want to!  I shouted the last part and saw the guys looking at me through the window.  But I didn't care, I was to upset to care.  

B:  Let me tell you something, no one cares or loves you, and who ever you are staying with they don't care about you, Even your own mother left you for another family because your just a piece of shit, Your stupid, Fat, Ugly, and most importantly your a nobody!  He shouted through the phone.  I felt my blood run cold 
Y/N: Don't you dare bring my mother into this!
B: why not? its not like she ever cared about you.  
B:  If I were you I would listen to me before your friends get hurt!
Y/N:  Don't lay a fucking finger on them!
B:  I won't if you tell me where you are.
B:  Then you better watch out, because I am coming to find you and you are going to regret everything BITCH!  see you soon. 
then the phone went silent.  I put my phone back into my pocket and just stood their thinking.  What am I going to do?  I thought. I broke out of my trance to see Colby standing in the door way and Elton and Sam looking at me though the window.  I walked over to Colby and put on a fake smile.  

"who was that?" he asked
"No one that important."  I said still smiling and walking past him.  I felt all their eyes on me but I walked upstairs anyway.  I sat on the couch and had a mental freak out.  What if he hurts them, this is all my fault, god I should have never excepted to stay I am just going to put everyone in danger.  Then I heard a faint knock on the door and Colby pocked his head in 
"Hey" I said relaxing a bit, trying to slow down my breathing.  

"You good, you were shouting at whoever was on the phone with you."  
"Oh that, yah I am fine" I said with slight smile 
"Umhm, okay" He looked at me up and down and then looked at my bag.  
"Is that all you brought?"  He asked 

"that's all I have"  I said resting my head on a pillow.  The room was silent for a minute until he asked 
"How are your bruises?"   

"IDK, I have not looked at them." 
"Then can I see?"  
"Yah" I replied and stood up.  He scanned my bruises and cuts and looked at my fading black eye, rubbing his thumb over my cheekbone.  he stared deep into my eyes and started leaning in I did the same, and then...............


I hope you enjoyed this chapter
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Next chapter I will put some different people's Povs in.

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