Chapter 19

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Shai pov

"Alec?" I can't believe he has the nerve to call me.

"Yes sweet cheeks I'm calling to tell you you need to get with me or hope this movie still becomes successful we can end this all just bring Kelsey over and we can do this the easy way. Don't turn me into authorities or this will be worse." I could basically hear the smirk as he talked to me.

"How does this interfere with Kelsey?" At this point I was extremely confused and didn't know what was going on or how this affected her.

"That Ansel boy won't be here for long keep an eye on him." And just like that the line went dead. How did he get my number how will this even go down I mean he doesn't know where we are, does he?

"Shai let's go I've been knocking for 10 minutes." I heard Theo say from the other side of the door I almost completely forgot.

"I'm glad you had jeans on because otherwise this will be challenging." he said smiling. What did he mean where are we going.

"Hey babe where are we going?" I questioned as we were going out to the parking lot. He just smirked and kept walking to the car. Wow way to tell me. He kept walking until he stopped to open my door and then ran around to get in his side of the car.

After about 20 minutes we pulled into... lasertron? Is this the big mystery date he had planned for us wow this is so cool I really don't like extremely fancy dates and junk.

"I love it!" I screamed before jumping out of the car and running inside. Once I got in I waited and Theo came running through the doors panting a little and bending over.

"Da heck since when can you run that fast Dauntless training had really payed off." he said smiling at me and slightly shaking with laughter. "Let's go get the tickets for the game because it starts in about 15 minutes he said looking down at his phone then slipping it in his pocket. "2 tickets for the next game please." he said handing the lady money before I could even reach for mine.

"Here you go big boy." I think the girl was trying to sound seductive but she kind of sounded like a dyeing cat when she said that. When he reached for the tickets she slid another piece of paper into his hand which I'm assuming was her number. As we were walking into the directions room I saw Theo throw the paper with her number into the garbage.


Once we were in the arena our vests turned on and we split up into our teams. I already knew I wasn't on Theo's team so I ran to get behind some form of cover for when the game starts.

"Go, Go, Go!" the weird voice over and they had said as the guns came to life. I heard shooting and realized people had already crossed the boundaries and were starting. I ran out from the corner and slid against the wall, I was going ninja style. I started walking ducking behind obstacles until I heard the voice. How did he sneak up on me so fast?

"Hey sugar mama want some a slice of this apple pie?" Theo said gesturing to himself with the gun which made me laugh, which then make people look at me like I'm crazy.

"You know I'm really excited to shoot you." I said smirking at him as I raised my gun ready to fire. Bang, bang, bang, bang that's all I heard until I heard my gun make the clicking noise. Crap out of ammo how is this going to work now. I turned and started to run for the base to recharge. As I shot Theo I went into rapid fire mode enabling me to shoot him about 100 times in 30 seconds completely getting rid of his health. Once I got to the zone I ran by the base to recharge and headed out to go to the blue side.

"Winner is Red team." the speaker came on as the red team cheered, I can't believe I wasted most of that round talking.


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