Chapter 18~ secrets and tours (part 2)

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~~Fly's POV~~

I looked around and behind Cameron to try and find Taylor. I was just about to call for him when I saw him walking out of the bathroom but get this,

He was shirtless.

Do you know how hard I was trying to not stare? My mind was shouting at me to keep eye contact but my eyes were screaming at me to look a little further down.

"You're here!" He exclaimed before he walked quickly up to me and hugged me.

"Yes I'm here." I said while he hugged me. He let go and I smiled.

I looked over to Infinity who hadn't seen Shawn yet.

"Is Shawn here?" I asked Taylor while Infinity's head snapped in my direction as soon as I said 'Shawn'.

"Erm, no. He went to the other boy's suite. He should be here soon though. Because we are all travelling together." He replied and as soon as he finished that sentence the door opened. All of our heads snapped behind us and a brunette with a dark eyes and a grey hoodie on walked in.

"Guys are we leaving yet?" He asked with his eyes glued to his phone. He looked up to see us and he first looked surprised then he looked happy. I smiled at him just to be polite. I had no idea who he was so what do you expect? "Hi." He said and smiled over at Infinity.

I looked over at her. She was trying to hide her inner fan girl. I could tell. She did this when we were going to go and see the vamps. I swear she was almost crying. I was guessing this was Shawn.

"Infinity, speak. It's okay." I said walking over to her and putting my hand on her shoulder. "Breathe." I told her making movements and breathing in a helpful but mocking way. She did as I told her and started to breathe in and out. She is so lucky to have a friend like me. What would she do without me?

She took one last breath before she started to speak.

"Hi." Was all she said.

"Hi. I am guessing you are Infinity." He said walking closer to her. My hand was still on her shoulder and as soon as I realised he was going in for a hug my hand slid off very quickly.

"You guessed right. You sound so much different in person. You also look better I guess." She said and we all stated laughing. So did Shawn. She went absolutely red. "You weren't supposed to hear that just so you know." She informed us and we all laughed again. I could tell this was going to be fun.

~~Chantelle's POV~~

I opened the front car door as soon as Angelina unlocked it. "Can you at least tell me where we are going!?" I asked and she just looked at me with a smirk before lowering down and getting into her side of the car. I was so confused. If we weren't related and if we didn't know each other this would be called Kidnapping. "Angelina, I refuse to get in this car with you." I said and I waited outside until I could get somewhat of an answer. I had waited for literally two minutes standing there and as that may sound like a short time; try standing outside in wind for two minutes doing absolutely nothing. Go on, I dare you.

Her head popped up again and she gave me an 'are you serious?' face. I sighed before I actually sat down inside the car but I was not happy about it.

She started driving in a really quick speed. I had to hold on to the little handle right above me. There was a long silence before one of us spoke up.

"Chantelle, you need to lighten up a little. I was hoping this could be something fun and laid back. Come on, after this we could get some manny pettis!" She squealed. The sound of some work on my banged up nails sounded nice but I was still annoyed and confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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