Lesson 6

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Cerise's incredible, marvellous facts you'd never know about me:1

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Cerise's incredible, marvellous facts you'd never know about me:
1. I prefer ice-cream over flowers any day.
2. I'll admit it. Sometimes I may stretch the truth to make things sound better.
3. But WHOOSH moments will always be truth. Always.
4. I'm pretty skilled at wrestling. 

Not many people know this, but I have a super, amazing memory

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Not many people know this, but I have a super, amazing memory. I do. Yes, I know it's hard to fathom such a feat, but I really do. That's what helped me become student council president this year. No, I did not get any help from my bald father (Sarah rigging the votes does not count). It was the fact that everyone was so impressed that I could recite the opening text for every Star Wars movie word for word. Useless? Maybe. Impressive? Definitely.

As I was sitting in class, ignoring the lulling drone of Mr Reynolds talk about his constant frustration with his passive aggressive neighbour, my super amazing memory went WHOOSH. And when it goes WHOOSH, it means I get punched in the face. By my memory, I mean.

My memory took me back to yesterday's meeting. Gross.

Okay, I will admit it. Perhaps I did skim over some important information from yesterdays' meeting. Time for a WHOOSH moment.

"And so, as the principals of the schools, we truly value your opinions as students," the bald Principal said, as he paced around the room. 

I groaned, resting my face in my hands. I absolutely hated this. The meeting between the two Student Councils was only for the principals to inform us of our impending doom.  

"We would like to know if there are any concerns, questions, or even suggestions on this matter. I'm aware this is a significant change, however, we intend to keep and combine the current members of the Student Council."

I surveyed the student council room. My precious student council room. It was only last week when we – the student council members – redecorated room. We repainted the walls a nice shade of canary yellow, hung more artworks (much to Mr Reynolds delight), added more sofas and bean bags, and placed an indoor pot plant on the kitchen bench (courtesy from Mr Higgs).

Today, the room's bright yellow walls were dulled by the noticeably abundant shameless motivational posters. Our sofa and bean bag arrangement had been repositioned—instead, we sat around a large long desk, facing the whiteboard. Our sofa and bean bags were hushed in the corner of the room, next to Larry, our indoor pot plant.

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