Finally the end of the day

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Bubblegum's POV

The rest of the day had gone like a blur. The final 3 lessons had been history, French and P.E.

"Marceline, remember, I need to show you something", I instruct my old friend who seemed not to be listening.

Her eyes looked far away. I waved my hand hesitantly in front of her face. She blinked a couple of times and switched her gaze to me.

"What?", she muttered, sticking her hands in her pockets and gazing at her converse.

"I need to show you something at my place, Kay", I said as if talking to a six year old.

"Kay", she nodded, swinging her bag over her shoulder as she left the girls changing rooms.

I followed behind, remembering the time back in Ooo when I went to the Nightosphere with her. She was different then. Normal even.

As Marcy and I impatiently waited outside the boys changing room, I noticed that Fionna was walking up to us.

"Sup guys?", she said casually, her tone calm and her blue eyes fixed on the dark blue changing room door.

"We're just waiting for the guys", Marceline shrugged, a bored look on her face.

As if by magic, Marshall, fin and Gumball swaggered out of the room, their P.E bags sling over one shoulder.

"Hey girlies", Marshall said, a cocky smirk on his pale face.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk to the exit. The others followed, Marshall and Marceline bringing up the rear. Finn ran up to me, adjusting his cute little bear hat to cover his long blonde hair.

"Hey Bubblegum, so you have a way of bringing Marcelines memory back?", his eyes gleaned as I nodded.

"Hopefully", I mutter, mostly to myself, rather then to the others.

Finn seemed to heard me and awkwardly patted my shoulder. I looked down at him and saw a faint smile plastered onto his face.

"Bye guys" Marshall called, waving at us and leaving to cross the road to their own apartments.

We waved back. Marceline didn't, she stared at the floor, frowning. Once we got back, I ushered her into my room. I quickly shut the door and grabbed a hidden suitcase from under the couch. Opening it, a took out some clear liquid in a spray bottle. I waved it in frowny a marceline.

"What's that?", Marceline quirked an eyebrow at me, her stone gaze fixed in the bottle.

I smirked and sprayed the liquid in her face. She growled and staggered back. I quickly opened the door and guided her into her room, making her fall into her Queen sized bed. She instantly fell asleep.

I eagerly went back to my room, crossing my fingers and toes that my potion would work and Marceline would be back to normal.

Its short, I know, sorry. I'm going to try and update my FinnCeline book now and I may have time later for a couple more updates on this book.
~Gunter .-.

Playing with death - sequel to 'Adventure Time with Marcy and Bubblegum'Where stories live. Discover now