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//Delirious pov\\

I woke up in the bed back in the basement. Damien must of brought me back here after I passed out last night. My body was still in pain from what those fucking demons did to me... They ruined me, inside and out. I let out a sob and curled into a ball, I felt so dirty, so...disgusting and used. Just let me die already. *Oh Luke*, I cried



*Baby can you hear me?!*

*L-Luke you g-gotta help me!*, I cried. I can't believe this.

*What has he done?!*

*Luke h-he hur- an he-othe*

*Okay baby deep breath, what did he do to you?*. As he said that, I heard footsteps coming close to the basement. Damien unlocked the door and came in. "Look who's awake~ How're  you feeling sweet cheeks~", he chuckled sarcastically.

*Baby?..Jonathan answer me!* 

He pulled me up by the arm so bit him. Getting a hard slap in return as he held his hand to my throat, pushing me back into the bed, "DO NOT DISRESPECT ME IN THIS HOUSE OR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!". My nails dug onto his wrists, "Ffuck...you", I replied cockily. "Nuh uh... Im the one fucking you".  *LUKE!*

He picked me up by the throat and spun me around with my ass in the air. My face and shoulders holding my weight as he tied my hands behind my back. He pulled my boxers off, along with his and spread my legs forcefully. "Argh!", I groaned. I was in enough pain as it is. He didn't give me any time to react as he shoved his dick in and fucked me hard and dry. Not caring about the screams and cry's of pain coming from my throat. "WHO DO YOU BELONG TO!", he shouted, dipping his hands in my hips. I am not giving up, not now, "L-Lucifer". He grabbed my leash and forced me up, choking me. "Who do you fucking belong to Jonathan", he growled in my face, causing me to shut my eyes tight. "Y-you", I cried. "That's right~ No more Lucifer, you belong to me now~".

He pulled out and span me back around to face him then went back inside me, once again ignoring my screams of pain. He grasped my hair, pulling my head back for more access to my neck. I saw as his fangs grew and pierced into my neck, drinking small amounts of my blood. He did this multiple times, all over my body.

He did a few hard thrusts as he released into me. Though I already passed out from the slight blood loss.

//Cartoonz pov\\
"Luke! calm down, Please!", a slightly scared Lui raised his voice. "We'll find him! Just calm down!", Craig also shouted. "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN MY BOYFRIENDS HELL KNOWS HOW FAR AWAY,  GETTING RAPED AND TORTURED BY ANOTHER DEMON!...OR DEMONS", I shouted louder than them all.

Evan: "To be fair it's not like you did any better either"

My claws started growing and so my horns, tail and wings. "I know you're mad and you want to find Jon back fast, but we can't help you if you don't calm down!", Brock spoke up.

Jaren:  "You have to work with us Luke, not against us! Jonathan would want that".

He was right. Letting myself loose now won't do any good. We need to find Jonathan, and fast. I calmed myself down a little, though I was still in half my form.

I stood still with my hands together and my eyes shut. "Uhhh... What is he doing?", I heard Tyler. "Close your bratty mouth, I'm talking to Father". I prayed and I prayed but God would not say a word, probably knowing it was me. "Evan you're coming with me", I ordered, "What? where?"

"Heaven and Hell baby"

"Oh no. Oh fuck no I'm not going! Why me!?"

"So you can get a first class seat to what hells gonna be like when you die... And so you can knock some fucking sense into that old mans crusty skull", I heard small giggles and snorts from behind me and Evan as I darted my eyes at the boys. Instantly zipping their mouths shut.

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