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//Delirious pov\\

I watched Luke sleep for a bit as he was still passed out. I sat up, forgetting I wasn't in a comfy bed but on a 1 person couch. My mind wondered to yesterday and how hurt the guys looked, just because I fell in love with the fucking Devil. I couldn't help but feel guilty about it. I heard Luke grunt, suggesting he was finally awake. He tried to sit up but I rushed over to him, gently holding him down. "You've gotta rest Luke", he looked up at me as I crouched beside him.

"Why're you crying baby?", he asked worryingly. Another tear fell down my face and Luke sat up quickly. "N-no Luke you have to rest!", "I'm fine, what's the matter?",  he asked calmly as he placed me on his lap. He was hugging me from the back and placing light kiss on my shoulders. "I betrayed my family, my best friend and my ex crush stabbed you!", I raised my voice being sarcastic because he knew what happened. "Heeey don't worry about that, I'm the Devil, I can heal myself remember! Maybe, It takes a while if it's big-ish like this but I'll heal"

"But he still did it! And it's not just that!, I can't help but feel so guilty. I hurt them... Yeah maybe we have our ups and downs like all the time but they're still my family, we've been together since diapers. And Evan...That look on his face hurts me"

"Why do you care what Evan thinks"

"Because he's more of a best friend out of all of them! I'm closer to him than anyone in this world and just seeing him like that, he- he looked....Betrayed.. disgusted, heart broken! They've all been trying to help me and make me happy since the accident and all I've done is pushed them away. I lost my chance in ever seeing them again because I decided to live with the fucking Devil!", I didn't realise I was shouting and walking back and forth in front of Luke. I gasped and held my hands over my mouth, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for that to be so rude!". Luke held my hand and pulled me on his lap again, but facing him with my legs each side of his. "Were not gonna argue about this now okay, just calm down and forget about it", he said soothingly.

I rested my head in the crook of his neck as he smoothed my back. "I didn't mean what I said...I'm just upset", I was fiddling with the collar of his top. "It's alright, I get it"

"How's your wound? Is it hurting?"

"No baby I'm fine, it's healing now"

"Okay", I said quietly

"Hey I gotta go back to work tomorrow. You can either come with me or if I can trust you enough and you won't do anything, you can stay here. Whatd'you wanna do?"

"You have a job? But you're the devil, you can do what you want", I chuckled.

"I came to earth because I was tired of living the same life every day. Having the same routine, seeing and knowing every single demon down there, not being able to see real sunlight, not having rainy cold days, just not having ANY of this down there was driving me crazy! All n all the reason why I said 'fuck it' and came up here. I wanted to live a human life and have a job that I can enjoy", he smiled, flailing his arms around.

It was nice seeing him like this. I don't think he's spoken so much since I've been here, just small sentences.

"What's it like living in hell?", I asked, tilting my held to the side like a puppy. "Oh it's Hell...Literally", I closed my eyes giggling at his obviousness. When I opened them again, I found him staring at me. "W-what?", "You're so cute", he smiled, moving the strands of hair from my face as I blushed. "Bright blue eyes, gorgeous smile, little button nose, light freckles, rosey cheeks. That scar looks hot, sorry I did that to you", he frowned. "That doesn't matter anymore", I kissed his lips reassuringly. "You really mean all those things about me? W-what about my arms and bruises? They don't bother you?", I moved my arms between us and looked at every cut. "No matter what happened in you're life. No matter what you have dOne in you're life. I will always love you. You are the smartest, kindest, cutest, hottest, most responsible, most mature and most caring human I have ever seen and met. So what if you've had a rough childhood, getting all these scars and bruises. It just shows that you've survived a tough fight right? Well look at the ones fading away! It just proves that you're becoming stronger and that you're winning that fight. You just have to keep going... I love you. And I'be never been in love before so there you go, a secret of mine. I have never had a boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, whatever"

"You've never had a relationship?! What about a crush? You could've at least have a crush?...Wait....IM YOUR'E FIRST?!"

"Yeah yeah laugh all you want. I was too busy to be thinking bout love then", he coughed.

"Oh my god that's so cute! Wait so how old are you?!...Thats such a late time to ask what the fuck"

Luke laughed, "Technically 23 in human terms"

"Well that's still young so it's kinda understandable. When's your birthday?"

"September 21st. How about you? I know you're 19 but when's your birthday?"

"May 2nd, it's in 2 months"

"Looks like I gotta start thinking what to get you then huh ", he said stroking his beard.

"You don't have to do that"

"You are my boyfriend, of corse I do. I'm gonna make your birthday the best day ever"

I smiled at him.

"I like how this conversations gone from me going to work tomorrow, what living in hell is like, how I've never had a relationship until now... And now we're talking about your birthday"

"What did we start talking about at first?"

"If you wanted to to come to work with me tomorrow or not?"

We both started laughing. "Why have I never heard you laugh before?! It's amazing", I covered my face in my hands and groaned. "Ugghhh nooo it's so creepy and ugly".

"It's amazing because it's crazy. It's maniacal! I love it!"

He pulled my hands away and captured my lips, kissing me deeply. "So...Do you wanna come to work with me then or no?"

"Yeah I'll go with you. What do you do anyways?"

"I work on the bar at a gay strip club", he winked and I blushed a little. "That was unexpected" I laughed my crazy laugh again.

"It's fun don't worry, the workers and manager there are great people. You'll love it", he smiled.

"So!", I looked in his eyes.

"What do we wanna do for today?". As soon as he finished his sentence I smashed my lips onto his. "Cuddle", I managed to say in between kisses. "I wouldn't call this cuddling but I'm down rite way", we laid down on the couch, he was half on top of me and half led on the couch. We stayed in that position for a while and continued making out.

A few minutes later we were watching a horror film. It was 'The Woman in Black' and damn its terrifying. I kept hiding behind Lukes arm when there'd be a jump scare or whenever something super scary happened. "Awwww, my baby boi scared of a lil horror movie?~", he cooed, joking around. He was led behind me and his arm wasn't enough cover to hide from the film so I turned around and hid my face in his chest. "Awh~", I grunted at him for teasing me. He smoothed my hair and kissed my head, carrying on with the film.

I was slowly falling asleep to the sound of Luke's heart steady heart and the soft touch of his hands, running up and down my back gently. It soothed me and made me sleepy as I closed my eyes.

Lucifer (H2OToonz)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz