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//Delirious pov\\

I woke up before Evan. Usually he's first to wake up and makes breakfast.. But I guess not this time. I left him to sleep and headed downstairs to where Brock was surprisingly. He was making breakfast as Marcel and Smitty hogged 2 couches. Lazy slobs. "Hey you need any help?", I offered politely. "Oh morning! Yeah It's kinda hard cooking for 8 people. 9 including me", he scratched the back of his head, "You sleep alright after that nightmare?"

I just nodded.

We finished cooking by the time everyone woke up and came down to eat. All except Evan. I went to my bedroom to see if he was awake yet. He was sound asleep. "Evan", I whispered, nudging him slightly. "Hey wake up, we've made breakfast". He slowly opened his eyes and sat up, "Sorry, I must've overslept", he yawned, rubbing the sleep from his big brown eyes. "Sorry", I apologised, looking at the floor.

Evan: "What are you apologising for?"

"You've been sleeping late because of me... My stupid nightmares"

Evan: "Hey I'm here because I want to help you", he sat on the edge of the bed with me stood between his legs. He gently moved my chin down to face him.

Evan: "You're my best friend, me, moo and all the others love you. So we're always here to help"

*He's probably just saying that*

*Make up you're mind Jonathan!*
He gritted.

I smiled and left him to get changed. Everyone already finished their breakfast as I went back to the kitchen. I stayed at the table cause I didn't want him to eat alone. "You didn't have to wait yeknow", he smiled and put his finished plate in the sink. "I wanted to", I smiled back.

We went to the living room and joined the others, they were playing Gmod. There was no spaces on the couch and I didn't want to sit on the floor, so I sit in Evans lap with my legs spread across Jaren, who was beside him. They both didn't mind it. I think I saw a tint of red on Evans cheeks again.


I ignored him.

The boys stopped messing around on gmod and started a scary map. Tyler passed me a controller and started playing it. Everyone was eaither screaming or yelling as I was just quiet.

*Don't ignore me...*

I carried on playing.


*What?!* I asked in frustration.

*Don't get moody with me*

*Oh piss off*

*Come to the Forrest, it'll be fun I promise~*

"Del you alive bro? You shut down for a moment there", Craig asked.

I ignored everyone and stomped to my room, putting on my blue hoodie, black jeans and black trainers. "I'm going for a walk", I said, leaving the house before anyone could say anything.

I stopped at the entrance of the Forrest, that was opposite my house. The guys could probably see me from the window. I wasn't sure how I felt about listening to the Devil, but it felt like I had to do something.

Fuck it.

I was slowly walking through the Forrest, quickly starting to give up as there was nothing there. Not until a small house came into my view from in the distance. I noticed the lights were on as I stood not far from it, wondering if anyone lived there. Looked like it did.

It was a small cottage. Not warn down, totally usable. The door was open and lights were on. "Hello?", I called out, walking to the open door cautiously to knock on it.

No one answered back and my curiousness kicked in, so I stepped into the small house. Calmly but with my guard up. No one was here. This was a whole waste of time and I was about to leave until I turned and bumped into something. "I'm so sorry I don't mean to intru-" It was a a wall guy, buff. Maybe he lived here. I looked down and he was holding 2 dead rabbits and a bloody axe.

"Uh S-sorry". I scraped past him and started speed walking. That guy was terrifying looking. "Oi,,Get back here!", he threatened as my speed walk turned into a sprint, looking back every now and then. I thought and hoped I lost him, until  he suddenly jumped me out of nowhere and pinned me to the dusty ground. "GET OFF ME!", I screamed. Something about him seemed familiar and I couldn't wrap my head around it. My hand came loose from his grasp and I grabbed the pocket knife that I hid in the before leaving earlier, slashing at him. He fell back holding his right eye, grunting and growling in pain. I don't know why I was just sat there watching. I was in complete shock.

He removed his bloody hand from his now damaged eye, revealing two deep cuts that looked like an X. Blood dripping from both his face and hand.

I gulped.

"Oh you're going to pay for that". He growled and threw the axe next to my face on the floor. I scrambled up and ran for my life again. Finally making it to the entrance and leaped over the wooden gate. Looking back, the guy stood a few meters away from the gate. Shivers spread down my back and I felt sick as he stared at me with that devilish, psycho look.

I ran inside my house, slamming the door behind me, making everything shake. I was fucking terrified. My legs gave way and I fell to the floor crying. "Jon what happened?!", Evan ran up to me, holding my shoulders tightly and lifted me to rest against him. I couldn't breathe, my heart was racing, my head was spinning, tears rapidly pouring down my face. "Shit! He's hyperventilating!", Nogla jumped up, rushing to the kitchen to get a glass of water and a tablet. "Take dis, it'll calm ye down", he ordered but not in a forceful way. "You've got a scratch on you cheek and dirt all over you, what happened?", Brock asked and the others gathered around me, worried.

I looked at Brock, stuttering as I struggled to get my words out. Him and Evan helped me up and held onto my arms, making sure I wouldn't fall. "Fuck look how much he's shaking! Let's get him to his room", Evan picked me up like a baby, holding my back. He sat me on my bed and sat next to me, "Shhh calm down, it's okay you're safe", he put his arms around me and smoothed my head. "Would you tell me what happened?". I couldn't stop crying and shaking. I moved closer and put my legs across his lap, holding his top tightly. I put my head on his chest and kept crying.

"I-in the f-Forrest...A guy,, had an axe and...t-tried to k-kill me", I stuttered badly, trying to tell him what happened. "I was so scared", I choked.

Evan: "You're safe now. Nothings going to happen with us around you hear? Everything's going to be fine", he placed a kiss on my head like he did last time. "Do you know what the guy looked like? We'll call the cops first thing in the morning okay? You should rest". I nodded and we both got undressed to our boxers and a top. We got comfy and I snuggled into him, instantly falling asleep.

//Vanoss pov\\

"Is he okay?", Jaren came in. I held my finger to my mouth, mentioning to keep quiet. "He's pretty shaken up", I replied smoothing his hair gently, not to wake him up.

Jaren: "The fuck happened? He looked like he saw the devil or something", he whisper yelled, trying to think of  something to exaggerate how terrified he looked earlier.

"Some guy attacked him with an axe in the Forrest"

Jaren: "Holy shit dude! Is he hurt or anything?"

"Just a scratch"

Jaren: "What're gonna do?"

"I'm calling the cops in the morning. He said he knows what the guy looks like"

Jaren: "Yeah good idea. Get some rest, I'll see you in the morning"

"Night bro"

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