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//Delirious pov\\

That's new...I didn't have a nightmare this time.

It was morning and I was still lead in bed. I'm much more calmer now but still just shaken up from that guy in the Forrest. Who wouldn't be after thAt. I got out of bed and put on black jeans, white adidas and a dark red top. It's only been a few days since the hospital... and my accident, so I still hand bandages wrapped around my arms. Also to cover my scars from everyone when I wear short sleeves. They never questioned or got suspicious of it cause they thought it was just due to the accident. But it wasn't.

"What's gonna happen now?", I heard Marcel as I was walking down the stairs. "Would you shut up already? I'm gonna call the police about it, hopefully they can sort it out", I heard Evan say. "Why would anyone wanna kill a smoll person like Del?", pouted Lui. "Speak for yourself", Nogla mocked slyly. "Can we all stop arguing and just think about this?! Jonathan could've been killed...and you're talking about being small?! We could've stopped him from walking out that door but we didn't", Brock yelled at the group. "Did any of you notice how out of it he was yesterday? Something clearly wrong, I mean Tyler says so himself the other day! He's so distant lately"

I guess they heard me on the stairs as they all turned to look at me. Brock's mood changing instantly, "Hey how are you feeling?", he smiled. "I'm okay. Just a little shaken", I shrugged with no emotion. The boys greeted me and got on with doing their own things.

Craig was watching tv with Lui, I was sat in the windowsill as always recently. All the others were all still in the kitchen, probably talking about me. "I'm really fucking worried about him guys", I heard someone mutter from the kitchen. I couldn't figured out who though.

I was gazing out of the window until I saw a figure by the wooden gate to the Forrest. I rubbed my eyes, thinking maybe it was my mind playing with me again. When I opened them it was gone.

*Yep... Just my imagination*

There was 2 loud knocks on the front door, making me flinch as it was unexpected, though it was probably the cops or something. Craig and Lui looked at each other confused. I got up and was about to open it, until it slammed open itself, causing everyone to rush in.

It was him...The guy from the Forrest!

"I'm back baby~"


*That voice... I-It can't be?!*

"Surprise~", he cooed, flashing a devilish smile with his two sharp fangs.

"Lucifer", I cracked in a quiet tone, but loud enough for the guys to hear.

Horns grew out from his head and a pointy tail appeared from behind him.

The guys were about to charge to get me away from the psycho but it was too late. He somehow made them stop. They couldn't move. Was that what he was doing to me in my dreams?

Evan: "What the fuck?!"

Marcel: "I can't m-move!"

They struggled.

Neither could I. But not because of him. Because I was beyond terrified that I froze up again.

"Sorry fellas,, but he's coming with me", Lucifer smirked as he rapped his strong arms around me. One over my shoulder and one around my waste. I opened my mouth but nothing came out as I gripped onto his arms, hoping I could get out but I was too weak. The door slammed shut and we were gone in a flash.

Lucifer (H2OToonz)Where stories live. Discover now