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//Vanoss pov\\

As soon as Jon was taken by that guy I rang the police. The guy from the Forrest...Or, was it really the thing thats been talking to him telepathically?... Lucifer. That's the last thing he said before he just... vanished.  "911 what's your emergency?", stated the cop, on the other end of the call. "Our friend got kidnapped! We have an idea of where they went and we know what the guy looks like", I rushed, scared that if they didn't arrive any time soon Jonathan could end up dead. "What's you're address? We'll be right there". I told them Jonathan's address and ended the call.

"They're on their way", I said to the guys as they all sighed in relief. "What do we do now?", Lui asked.

Nogla: "Ders nothin to do, we jost wait till the cops get ere"

Tyler: "We can't even defeat a gang on GTA let alone ONE guy in real life and there's 8 of us", Tyler scoffed. The guys chuckled at this but remained their seriousness straight after.

Smitty: "Evan the cops are here". He was keeping watch from the windowsill.

I opened the door and let them in.

Officer: "Before we start this investigation please may I ask some questions?"

"Of corse"

Officer: "You said you know what the kidnapper looks like. Could you explain their appearance to my partner?"

I nodded. "He looked to be over 6 foot. Short brown hair, slightly shaved on the sides and back. Brown beard, brown moustache, brown eyes and sharp canines.

Officer: "What about his clothing sir?"

"He was wearing a black shirt, black jeans and black bomber boots"

Officer: "And you know where he might have gone?"

"I believe so, In the Forrest across the road. Jonathan was in that Forrest yesterday and was attacked by the same guy. O-or I think it was the same guy, I don't know he didn't describe him, but he said he chased him with an axe. He must've found out that he lives here and so took him this morning"

Officer: "Is Jonathan your friend that was taken? Can you describe him for me?"

"He is 5'5. He has sandy brown hair that reaches his eyebrows. Bright blue eyes. Small black studs for earrings and his right eyebrow is pierced. He was wearing black jeans, white adidas and a blue jacket"

Officer: "Thank you for your patience sir, I will contact other officers and have them do a search party immediately"

"Thank you so much!", I shook the mans hand.

More police officers arrived and started searching the Forrest as we were sat inside with 2 other officers. They were asking us stuff about Jonathan.

Officer: "Who here is closest Mr. Denis?"

"I am"

Officer: "Could you tell me more about him please, his past, behaviour, anything"

"Sure, umm... He was in an accident last Monday. It was a drunk hit and run only his arms got damaged, nothing too bad, just a few big bruises here and there. But since then he hasn't been his usual self"

Officer: "Describe his usual self"

"Well...He's always so happy, smiling all the time and laughing, having fun. He likes his job in the cafe, he loves his friends. But ever since the accident, he's been so...distant. Zoning out all the time and ignoring us. Saying mean things out of the nowhere but weren't targeted at us. Oh and those nightmares he kept having every night"

Officer: "What happened in the nightmares?"

I looked at the boys who were sat around and beside me for reassurance. I felt guilty, and sad. I didn't want to tell them Jonathan's dreams exactly, but I have to, for Jonathan's sake.

"The first nightmare, it was this...stranger, he killed our friend Marcel...brutally", Marcel looked at him in the eyes, not knowing if he should be worried or sad.

I started tearing up. As so the others.

"The second...it was Jaren. The same guy killing him and the last...The last was Brock. It was always that same guy. But Jonathan, he umm... He told me that...This guy, in his head, started talking to him as he was in a coma at the hospital, and has been talking to him since. Wwe don't know how or why. And Jonathan's not crazy at all, he's perfectly fine, there's nothing wrong with him. But...He told me it was Lucifer. And when that guy came to our house and took him, the last thing he said was "Lucifer". I-I don't know how this all makes sense? The devil can't be inside my best friends mind!...Right?"

Officer: "Perhaps you should consider getting him a therapist, once we find him and get him out of this mess. Seems to me he needs a lot of help, mentally and maybe physically", the officer stood up.

"So you're just going to forget everything I just said and assume my friends mad?!", I raised my voice a little bit, standing from my seat. "You think he's crazy because of the accident?! whAT IF ITS TRUE AND ITS ACTUALLY HAPPENING?! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!", I lashed out, punching the police officer in the face. The boys stood up and held me down in an instant, not wanting me to cause more trouble.

Officer: "HOLD HIM DOWN! BRING ME A DOSE NEEDLE NOW!", he ordered another officer. 

Craig: "WOAH! WAIT WHAT IS THAT?!", Craig yelled, before the officer stabbed the needle in me.

Officer: "It's just a sleeping dose. He'll only be asleep for an hour", he said, taking the needle out of me.

The guys didn't like it, but they had to keep calm and be reasonable unlike me. Especially not in the state that were in now.

I could just about pick out what everyone was saying. But it was all a blur and I started slowly drifting away.

Brock: "How long do you think this investigation will last?", he asked the cop, worryingly.

Officer: "We hold every search party for about 2 weeks. But if there is absolutely no proof or clues to help find him... There's nothing we can do I'm afraid"

Tyler: "What about the kidnapper? What happens if you find him?"

Officer: "If he's done serious damage to the boy then he'll be sentenced to death. If it's not that bad, he'll do time in prison. But if we can't find him...Well warn the public but, that's it"

Nogla: "I'm not much of a believer 'ere but whot if.. whot Evan said was actually possible? Whot if the devil is talkin to Jonathan?"

Lui: "What if the guy that took him was the devil? That's what Jon said he was"

The officer sighed, "I'm very sorry to say this but if that's the case...There's no way to help. We can't control The Devil, we can't control God. We can't cant fight against religious so there is absolutely nothing we can do. If the Devil has your friend?...Im sorry but, he's gone", he told us honestly.

Brock: "Thank you officer, were sorry about Evan", he sighed.

The two cops a left to help investigate a little more. Lui snuggled into Brock for comfort on the 1 person coach as Jaren was sat on the bigger couch, with me passed out and resting my head on his lap. Craig and Marcel pondered around the room. Tyler sat on the coffee table in front me with his head in his hands, bouncing his leg up and down. Everyone was loosing patience. We were all frightened for Jon.

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