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Each and everything.

He had lost his dear child, he had lost his family, he had lost his happiness but worst of all was the fact that he had lost his own identity because one thing was for sure...

He, Hisham Hosseini, was never ever, going to be the same man again!


He blankly stared at the folder in his hands for a few minutes afterwich he carefully opened it and tears once again stained his already swollen eyes the minute he gently grazed his fingers over Yasir's neat thumbprints.

He just could not believe it!

What sort of a man was his younger brother really?

How could a man be so selfless?

His heart grew heavier and heavier by the minute and guilt consumed him even more when he realised the fact that Yasir had given away his inheritance despite knowing that Yumnah was expecting.

His little brother has still given it all away despite knowing that he was going to be blessed with a child soon and that he too would need to pass down shares to his children some day.

Then what would he pass down then?


Why? Because his Akhi had taken it all away from him and Yasir too had willingly given it all up just because his Akhi had asked him for it.

"I am very very sorry Yasir and I am also very sorry Yumnah. Sorry for wanting to steal away your child's future rights," he whispered to himself as he closed his eyes due to the immense pain coursing through his heart.

"Your Akhi is one very selfish man little bro. He is one very selfish man...," he continued as he wiped away a stray tear away from his face.

"But not anymore," he once again whispered as he got hold of the folder and angrily ripped it into two and almost immediately his heart easened out but not for long because as he continued staring at the folder, he realised that the two halves of ripped up paper actually represented him.

The two separate halves actually represented him and his murdered daughter. They represented him and his wife, him and his family and once again, the two halves represented him and his old self.

The old self that was now buried deep within. The old self that was begging to come out. Begging to breathe again. Begging to live again but it was now buried so deep down that it would need a whole lot of time and a whole lot healing to surface once again.

He carelessly threw the papers on the floor and sprinted up the stairs not at all knowing that there was one more thing that the two halves represented.

The two halves also represented...

Yasir and Yumnah and their now broken marriage.

And maybe, just maybe if he had known that his brother's marriage had just hit the rocks, he would have stayed back. Stayed back to fix things.

Fix things for others, something that his old self loved doing.

He slowly made his way into their bedroom and upon taking just one look around, he broke down once again sobbing uncontrollably.

This was the one room that held the most memories for him.

Painful memories to be precise and he had no plans of reliving any of them.

Not now. Not ever and that is why he needed to get out of here and that too as soon as possible because the more he stayed there the more he relived each memory and the more the pain he experienced.

HER BLIND HUSBAND ( A Wattpad Featured Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora