Narkis leads me toward the stairs, following him as I keep my gaze down and away from everyone. So many looks, feeling their eyes etching into my flesh as I can't tell what they are judging me for...after all, there are so many things...

It's different when I'd already grown and established myself with the Death Stalkers Pack...they didn't judge or ask questions, but I can just feel the bubble of questions around those who stare. I don't like the way they stare, curling into my shell as Narkis leads me up to a third level of the lodge.

It's quieter on this level, only a few rooms unlike the second level for families and unmated. I'm hesitant when Narkis comes to a halt at a very large door at the end of the long hallway. He opens it before stepping aside and ushering me inside. I feel so small and insignificant in a room as large as Alpha Rakkon's, turning to acknowledge Narkis...

...but he's gone a second later while the door closes behind him.

I hesitate as I walk toward a couch at the far side of the room, curling up on it while setting my journal down on the small table next to it. My eyes wander over everything, taking in the wealth this pack has as its claimed its status over the years. I'd expected the pack members to be different, the way they represented themselves at the Death Stalkers Pack...but that's not the case.

Is their hardened exterior all but an act to remain and perceived as the most vicious and deadly pack?

Am I getting a far cry of a glimpse to their real personalities?

It's not more than about thirty or so minutes when there's a knock on the door, a pause of silence before the door opens. A young boy, more than likely about the age of fourteen walks into the bedroom with a plate in his hand and a glass of water in the other.

His voice is cheery as he smiles, "Hi!"

Am I dreaming?

Seriously, I feel like I'm in some kind of twilight zone moment because he closes the door behind him and walks closer to me. He sets the plate down and the glass next to my journal on the small table, his voice calmer as he says, "Sooooo...Alpha Rakkon thought it would be best for me to come and be your first encounter with the pack."

I'm confused.

"Why is that?" I speak softly, looking over the boy as he continues to keep his energy level under control.

He outstretches his hand and introduces himself, "I'm William Roc, the Nightshade Prowlers Pack omega," my eyes grow wide slightly as I'm starting to have everything click into place. He takes my stunned silence and states, "You can call me Will. My mom is the den mother, Zeta, she said she saw you when you first arrived."

Slowly, I outstretch my arm and take his hand before saying, "Ashling."

"That's pretty and unique," Will offers me a bright smile before glancing around the room and saying, "sooooo...yeah, now that you're with the Nightshade Prowlers Pack and not a prisoner or trespasser or anything like that, you'll see that we don't necessarily live up to what other packs believe we do."

I nod my head, understanding already what I've seen. Perhaps that's why Alpha Rakkon sent Will show me without going based off his word alone, how he treats his omega. Will appears just like any other happy juvenile here and that allows for some of the apprehension I have to shift slightly.

One Night With The Alpha |18+✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt