Chapter One - A New Start

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jealousy in air tonight I can tell,

I will ever understand that but oh well,

Been ready is real I don't know 'bout you,

She just want to smoke and fuck I tell her girl that all the we do,

Now you talking my language, now you talking my language...

"That was great..come on out so we can play it back." Noah, my producer, said and I finish.

I stepped out the booth after hours of trying to make this song right.

My main focus is to make this album great.

"It sounds good but it could be better," I said as he played it back.

"Man, stop doing that, this shit is hot." Ryan, one of my home boys,came in with a bag on chips.

I laughed. "Damn, I thought you came back with some real food. What the fuck Imma do with this?" I took one out the bag and ate it.

"You're not going to fine too many places open at 11 o'clock at night." Noah chimed back into the conversation.

Ryan tossed the bag on the table. "Actually, there was a diner around the corner that was still open, we could go there."

"Let do it." I said rubbed my hands together.


Even though it was far, we drove anyway. Good thing to because we seen a few fine ass girls that were making their way out the club and were thirsty too..but not for water. But we took them to the diner as well.

We sat in one of the booth in the back, me, Ryan and the two girls.

"Omg, I can't believe, like, we're with Drake." the girl that was sitting beside Ryan, Kelly, giggled.

"This is like a dream," Vanessa, the other girl who sat beside me, rubbed my arm.

I smiled, looking around for a waitress or something. "It'll get better later."

I ain't going lie, I get what I want. If I want pussy, I fucking get that shit.


Finally, after almost a day of unpacking, I'm finally done. My place is a one bedroom apartment on the second floor, in a three story building. I really don't have any furniture but Miss Sharon she trying to help me as much as she can. It has main furniture like a table, coffee table, refrigerator, TV stand, I just have to get everything else.

After I put the dishes in the cabinet, I reached in the box and pulled out my photo album that the home give me before I left. Since I been there so long, it had a lot of pictures in it.

I was startled when I heard a knock at the door. Ms. Sharon told me to never open the door after dark but I have never been the one to hide. I walked to the door and put my ear against the door.

"Who is it?"


I opened the door swiftly and there he was, in the actual flesh. "Oh my gosh, look at you!" I hugged him.

Antwan was one of my foster brother from the third family. His family was cruel to me and him except I got away but he had to stay because he was actually related to those people. I was only 8 at the time.

"I told you I would look you up when you got your place. Miss. Sharon told me that you got in the IPL program and she even give me the address." he showed me the paper.

A New Way To Love..(A Drake FanFic) *COMPLETE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora