Chapter Twenty - Making The Most Of An Unofficial Relationship

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It has been roughly about a week since I have heard from Drake, it's different not waking up and see him every morning. Sharon is great and everything but she is no Drake... Wait, am I reminiscing about him?! That can't be right.

I got off the couch and walked into the kitchen to see Sharon's husband, Derek, with a stack of pancakes and bacon in his hands.

“Morning, you hungry?”

I shrugged. “I could eat, it smells delicious.”

“That's because it is,” Eric came from behind me with an empty plate. “Ry, I'm going to the park and play some basketball with some friends, wanna come?”

I ate some of the food that was just handed to me. “Sure,”

“E, at least let the girl finish eating before you drag her all over God's creation,” Derek teased his son.

I giggled. “Let me put on some shoes then we can go,”

Luckily, I already had a light blue and white striped sundress on so I didn't have to change. I grabbed my black sandals and headed out the door.



“So what are you two? Are y'all dating?” Ryan watched me as I strolled through my phone.

I tossed my phone on the counter. “I don't actually know,”

“Y'all ain't talked about it?”

I sighed. “Ain't nothing to talk about, we're friends,”

Ryan got up and went to the refrigerator. “But you just said you didn't know what you two were, now y'all friends so that means you obviously have at least thought about it.”

That what kills me about Ryan, he crazy all the time and then, Boom, he drops that knowledge.

“I mean, I like her but I don't know man,” I rubbed my face in frustration. “You think I should text her?”

He started to gather things to make himself a sandwich. “No, go to her. Also, you can tell her about your tour which is coming up,”

Fuck! I totally forgot about that. I have been so busy getting ready for it that I didn't realize how close it was.

I reached for my phone and tapped on Riley picture and started to write my message.


“Go Eric!” call me crazy but I was rooting for the hottest guy out there and it happened to be Eric.

“Is that your boyfriend?” a girl that was stand off from some people ask me.

I frowned. “Ew, no!” then I turned my attention back to the game. I don't do well with small talk with people I don't know.

After a few minutes, the game was over.

“How did I do?” Eric came over to me.

I smiled. “Great! That's including the baskets that you missed.”

“Haha, very funny,” he reached into his gym bag and got out his phone. “Whoa, mom texted me almost ten times. You have your phone on you?”

I shook my head. “This dress doesn't have pockets, so no,” True is, I lost my phone in the process of moving but I didn't realize that until early this morning.

“Well, she said that someone came by the house looking for you,”

“Is she always this crazy?” I giggled.

Eric smiled. “As long as you known mom, you should already know,”

“But I've never lived with her,” I pointed out.

“Yeah,” he looked away. “We should go see what she wants.”


“Derek, what am I going to do?” I can't keep this from her forever,”

He got behind me as I sat on the bed and started to massage my back. “Tell her, she is an adult now. Don't you think she deserves to know?”

“But she'll hate me! I basically tore her from her own mother.”

“Honey, you were doing what was best for her and Carla,” he kissed my cheek.

I ran my fingers through my hair. “But it's my fault that she never got adopted by anyone. We could have had her in a safe environment.” the tears started streaming down my face. “If I knew that Carla wasn't going to get clean until now, we could have had her, Derek! I could have been the mom that she needed when she was waking up in the middle of the night, screaming about that whole Chris and Jennifer scene.”

“Sweetheart, none of that is your fau-”

I got up, and walked to the bathroom, locking myself in.

A New Way To Love..(A Drake FanFic) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now