Chapter Forty-One - One Last Time...

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*Three months later...*

❇Madison aka Riley❇

I sat on my bed, resting my back against the headboard, laying baby clothes across my stomach. It was getting close to that time for the doctor to induce me so I can go ahead and give birth to my baby which will be by my 19th birthday .

I just got home from the doctor and she told me that it's a boy. I'm also getting a lot weaker than usual but today is a good day since I finally know what I'm carrying.

"Naya!" I yelled.

She walked inside my room, carrying a carseat cover. "I got the bottles and put them in the cabinet, what you need?"

I giggled. "Help to get up,"

She sat the cover on the bed and pulled me up. "You need to relax, why are you getting up anyway?"

"I need to ask Mama Carla a question," I started to walk through the house.

"What you need to do is sit down," Carla came out of the kitchen as I was about to go upstairs. "You don't need to be upsetting my first grandchild,"

"That's what I told her Ma," Naya's voice came from my room.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "I was coming in here to ask you if I could use the car to get the bouncer I wanted from Target,"

She looked at me and smiled softly. "Of course," then she handed me her keys.

"Naya! Do you want to go with me to Target?" I yelled slightly.



"Do you think I should get the green one or the sky blue one?" I pointed to both of them.

Naya shrugged. "I don't know, the blue one maybe since most of the stuff you got are blue,"

"Yeah, you're right. Okay, let get the blue one and go because I'm hella hunger," I sat the bouncer in my cart and proceeded to the checkout line.

Luckily no one was in line so I didn't have to wait.

"Ohmigosh," the cashier girl screamed slightly. "You're that girl that was with Drake, right?"

I looked that girl directly in her eyes. "Right..."

"This is so sick!" she smiled brightly. "First it was Drake and some girl just a few seconds ago, now I have his ex here,"

A few seconds ago?

I glanced out the front window and saw a tall light skinned man hugging on a familiar girl playfully in the parking lot.

"Ry, what are you thinking?" Naya stood behind me looking at the same view I was.

I looked at them for a moment. " The 'Riley' in me would have probably walk away from this situation or even ran up and punch both of them in the face but the 'Madison' in me really doesn't want to fight anymore. Let's go," I handed the girl the money and walked out the store.

Naya was casually walking behind me as I walked noticeably passed them as they walked through the parking lot.

"Riley?" I female voice called me out.

I turned around. "Actually it's Mad-" but I stopped when I saw who it was. "Shakayla?"

Drake just stood there quiet but smirking.

I looked at him. "So this is your idea of payback? To get with my friend because you THOUGHT I fucked with Ryan?" I walked up to him. "You are a petty asshole,"

He looked down at me but he wasn't looking at my eyes, it was further down.

"Yeah, the fucking cats are out of the bag, I'm pregnant and before you say so dumb shit, it's not Ryan's and I didn't purposely do this,"

Shakayla stared at me. "Girl, I am not fucking him,"

I shook my head, embarrassed by this whole conversation. I started to walk away but Drake grabbed my hand.

"Riley, why didn't you tell me?"

It was weird having him touch me again.

I shrugged. "I didn't know how and you were about to go on tour, Ryan found out the day you left and I asked him to keep it a secret, he was taking me back and forth to doctors appointments and stuff," my vision started to get blurry.

I felt Drake start to grabbed my face. "Baby, are you okay?"

"N-n..o-o...." next thing I felt was wettest between my legs.

I heard a scream. "Oh my god, she's bleeding!"

"Naya, call 9-1-1!" Drake yelled as he held my body close to his.

Then I blacked out. 

A New Way To Love..(A Drake FanFic) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now