Chapter Thirteen - If It's Not One Thing, It's Another..

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I sat on the couch, watching Riley race around the house looking for her favorite black leather lingerie that she likes to wear at her "job". She don't know it yet but I got that shit.

"I thought I put it in here," she looked around her laundry room. "Have you seen it?"

"No," I lied through my teeth.

She looked dead at me, squinted at me and walked way. As she looked around, I got off the couch and walked to the kitchen. It was only a hop, skip and jump away from the couch so I was there before I was even aware of it.

No offense because Riley's place is perfect...For her. But I'm here now, waiting for her to make up her mind about what she really wants. All I'm saying is, can't we do this shit at my house?

"Riley?" I called out after I heard a thud. To impatient to wait for a reply, I walked in her bedroom.

When I walked inside, Riley was lying on the floor.

"Riley?!" I kneeled down beside her, checking if she was breathing. Thankfully, she was.



I looked around the room and realized that I was not in my apartment.

"Glad you finally woke up," Drake appeared at my door.

It was until he walked over to me, that I realized that I was in a hospital bed. I just slightly smiled at him.

He sat on the bed and watched me. "Why didn't you tell me you had COPD?"


"The doctor said that you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which makes it hard for you to breathe. Why did you tell me you were like this? You over here smoking and working like a dog,"

"Drake, please-"

"The doctor said you can leave when you woke up, let's go." he said in a more serious tone.

So he couldn't at least let me explain myself. This is why I couldn't be with him,he is to damn demanding. It's either his way or no way.

"Whatever," I rolled off the bed and slipped my shoes on. He is such a pain in the ass, I see why he is single.


can I say I am sorry for this week and last week.

I was on spring break and it ended in a giant fail.

Has to cuss out someone, she tagging me on post on her facebook page and she is older than me(I stayed at her house on spring break. She was rude af the whole time and she kept saying shit on the sly about me because I don't have what she has and I'm not fortunate enough to but random shit like her) . My boyfriend didn't come see me cause he had to work. ( these are not excuses by all means) So I really wasn't in the mood to write.

I'm sorry for this fuller chapter and hopefully next week will be better. Through it all, I smile. :-)

-MsDebbraGraham ✌

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