Chapter Thirty-One - A Chance To Do Right By You..

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*A week later... *


"What do you want to eat?" I yelled from the kitchen.

Drake ran into the kitchen and pick me up bridal style.

"You're supposed to be on bedrest," he sat me on the counter.

I sighed. "Just trying to be useful,"

"You're here to watch me and make sure I stay out of trouble,"

I giggled. "Don't nobody have that much time on their hands,"

He pecked my lips. "You do,"

"So," I got off the counter and walked to Drake as he started to get things out the refrigerator. "Are you going to tell me how you pulled off that whole getting the blood and everything?"

"If you tell me what old dude said to you at the hospital,"

Why does everything we talk about have to be a negotiation? Why can't I just ask something and get a straight answer?


He looked at me. "Okay as in you're going to tell me?"

I laughed. "Hell no," I picked up the house phone and hopped back on the counter. "Get ready to pay international calls,"


"Hey, Carla? This is Ril-, I mean Madison,"

"Riley is what you are use to. How are you doing?"

"Better but my house pet is keeping me company," I winked at Drake and he bit my thigh gently. "How are you?"

"Good, Naya is always asking about you,"

"Yeah, I texted her yesterday. Can I ask you a question?"


"Did you give me the blood for the transfusion?"

I thought the line went dead for a minute.

"Yes, I did it and I'm happy that I could do something for you,"

"And Drake told you?"

He looked at me sideways.

She laughed slightly "Don't hurt him but yeah. He likes you a lot Riley, you should have seen him when he told me about you, you could tell that he would do anything for you,"

I just stared at Drake as he made whatever he was making.

"I know that you have trust issues but you should really give him a chance baby,"

I smiled. "Maybe you're right, I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Of course, anytime you want to talk I'll be here,"

I hung up the phone.

"You know that will cost you about a hundred dollars, right?" Drake handed me a sandwich.

I looked down. "I'll pay you in love,"


"I said, I'll pay you in love,"

He placed his hand under my chin and lifted up so I can look him in the eye.

"Say it again,"

I inhaled deeply then I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I just couldn't look him in the eye and tell him how I felt.

Luckily, my cellphone started ring in my pocket.

"Hello?" I slid off the counter and walked to the living room.

"Hey girl, we need you down here at the Pen,"

"Shakayla? I just go out of the hospital a few days ago, I am not in the best shape,"

"If you don't come down here, Big E is going to fire me, I need you Gigi,"

Drake would kill me if I went but she was the only person who looked out for me when I started. I don't know what to do.

A New Way To Love..(A Drake FanFic) *COMPLETE*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu