Unprofessionally Angry

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We are a duo of writers, obviously from the name , who rant. Again, that's obvious. I've never been good with introductions.

Everyone has things to get off their chests. Angers, confessions... Guilty pleasures, just plain guilt.

Did I mention anger?

I am Chimichan54 and boy do I have a shit load of things to be pissed about-both on and off of Wattpad. Mostly off. If I offend you with some of it, too fucking bad. I have a lot of anger, I got to let it out somewhere and why not use a Rant Book? My partner, IncognitoTurtle, may not be like this so if you're offended by my rants, don't yell your head off at IncognitoTurtle. Cuss me out on my own profile, like a (wo)man.


No. This will not be a book that I open 'Hello my lovelies' every chapter. I wanna barf typing that. This is ranting about the stupid things the human race is, has done or just the way things are.

But it is not mindless whining. We will use facts (Haha probably not) stories, and other tools (torture) to make you understand why we hate these things.

Whatever Pheonix just said about not yelling at me. Try yelling at me. I don't care.


PS: Pheonix is a chick, and I am a dude. No, we do not know eachother in real life. But we are the very best internet buddies.


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