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Today and Tomorrow

Today you are free,

You have your limbs and sanity,

Walking on the sidewalk,

You have the ability to talk,

Every day you go to school,

Education is life’s tool,

Swimming in the shallow end,

 An infected lung we cannot mend,

You have been freed from such disease,

Allah has blessed you with health and ease.

Now imagine...

Tomorrow you are trapped,

Your arms and legs are strapped,

On a hospital bed- barely breathing,

Gasping for air, sighing, heaving,

You time is limited, days are short,

There is hope but your fight you have fought,

The walls are closing in,

You are accountable for your sins,

A life threatening illness, impossible to cure,

A blackened heart that was once pure,


Appreciate the blessings you are given,

 Before it’s too late and to our graves we are driven.


I'm so glad all of you are reading and enjoying my poetry, it means a lot...here is poem number 10 :D 

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