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A day in my life,
Nothing but calm,
A day in his,
All beating and harm.

I come home from school,
My prayer, I delay,
He wonders the streets,
But in the masjid he would pray.

At dinner I sit,
Conversations are mild,
He has no one to rely on,
He's an orphan child.

One day he walks past,
I stopped and I stared,
I took a step closer,
He flinched- he was scared.

My heart began to ache,
Tears streamed down,
As a group of boys came,
And knocked him to the ground.

Why must we be so cruel?
Beat a child, a brother,
He lives a hard life,
Without a father or mother!

Get off your pedestal,
Have a close look,
The ones that you hurt,
Is that what you learn in the holy book?

Step in his shoes,
Live on the streets!
See how it like to have no food,
To endure all the beats!

Now sit at home,
Your family aren't far,
You eat what you like,
See how lucky you are?

when we die,
We'll be equal at last,
No money, no status,
No significant contrast.

By Aqeelah.

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