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Corrupt Innocence.

All the children awaken at dawn,
Perform wudhu and do salaah,
Reading the Qur'an,
Worshipping Allah.

Brothers and sisters showed love,
Cared for each others well being ,
Islam in their hearts,
The path of Allah was all they were seeing.

Men prayed salaah in the masjid,
Women respected their modesty,
Children obeyed their parents,
It's all changed in all honesty.

Society has morphed our minds,
Shaded the truth,
Blurred the beauty of Islam,
Attacked the innocent youth.

Wars have erupted,
People are injured,
They are left to merely survive,
Due to the problems we have conjured.

Children lay flat,
Breathing in the toxic gases,
Crying for their mothers,
Laying lifeless amongst the dead masses.

They are begging for food,
While we sit and relish the taste,
They dig through bins,
While we walk around and waste.

How can we sit around and ignore,
The deterioration of our senses,
We continue our lives as normal,
We are the corrupt innocence.

By Aqeelah

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