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Reaching for the Skies.

There will come a time,

You'll feel emptiness inside,

An irritation deep within,

No longer trying to hide.

You sit there on your own,

Wanting someone to hold,

To cuddle up on lazy days,

When the winter nights are cold.

You see the couples walking,

Standing side by side,

You ask Allah for such love,

When the lonely tears have dried.

It's normal to long for the day to come,

To look into those loving eyes,

As a smile etches across their face,

Love so deep, reaching for the skies.


Salaam everyone,

Its been  while since my last update and I want to thank you all again for reading. 

NOTE: If you haven't already done so I would advise you to follow @Dhawuut_Tawjeeh for awesome islamic magazines, featuring poems by me and writing by other amazing wattpadders. Leave a vote and comment and show some support my lovelies :D

I know what some of you might be thinking 'Another marriage poem Aqeelah?!' ...well let's just say I was inspired by some friends ;) 

I hope you enjoyed and stick arounf for some more >.<


Tangled TreasuresNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ