Volume 13

155 1 1


'You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.'

    Toni and I sat in Jughead's trailer, waiting for him to explain what he was stressing about

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Toni and I sat in Jughead's trailer, waiting for him to explain what he was stressing about. "The Ghoulies are going nuts! They blame the Serpents for losing their little drug set-up. That's why they want Sunnyside and our side of the Southside. They're complete idiots!" Jughead shouted as he paced through his tiny living room. "Jug, how did this happen?" "Penny Peabody is what happened! I did this.. thing for her when my dad was in jail which was about a month ago and now she mysteriously popped up out of nowhere and says that I own her a another favor. If I don't do this, they're going to war with us." I sighed and suddenly understood his stress. He had to go to war with blood hungry Ghoulies or give up his home.

"What do you suggest we do?" Toni asked. "I don't know." Jughead replied. Suddenly, an idea crept up into my mind. "What do Ghoulies love most?" I asked. They both frowned. "Drugs?" Jughead informed. "Except for that?" Toni slightly smirked. "Their cars." A mischievous smile crept up on my face. "Let's bet then. We hold a car race and the winners get to keep Sunnyside." "What if they don't agree with it?" Jug chimed. "They will. Trust me."

—————- Ξ —————-

We scurried towards the Whyte Wyrm, looking for FP. "Hey, Hog Eye." I greeted the man as I walked by. He nodded and flashed me a smile. I had spent some time here, earning the trust and respect from many Serpents here. I walked up the stairs — with the help of Jughead and Toni of course. I pounced on the familiar door. It was FP's office. Seconds later, it swung open. He looked confused as to why us three would come all the way to his office. He opened up the door further, knowing that it was a serious issue. "What's going on, kids?" We all took a seat on the old, rusty couch.

"We have an idea. How about we organize a race? If the Ghoulies win, they get Sunnyside trailer park and get to expand their drug business and if we win.. we get to keep Sunnyside and they have to minimize their drug business." He all glanced at us. "Who came up with this idea?" I smiled. "Me."

"That's is great idea, JJ. But what if we lose?" I gasped. "Have ye so much faith in us FP? We will win. Mark my words." He smirked. "And that is why I like you. You always fully believe in the people your care about. But be careful, that will bring you to your grave one day." I nodded and gave him a hug. "Say hi to your mom for me." I forced out a smile and thanked him.

"Now that we have confirmation, we need to search a car." "My grandad has a sick car. We could use that, but it needs some work done." Toni suggested. "Betty and I could help with that." I looked into the crowd that was standing around the pool table. It seemed like a heated game at how everyone watched with tensed up bodies and frowns plastered onto their foreheads. A couple moved from the crowd and stood in the corner. As I squinted my eyes a little I could see that it was Sweet Pea and a blonde girl. His arm was draped around her shoulders as she smiled at him. He smirked back at her as he took another swig of his alcoholic beverage.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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The desire of a Dream   ⌜ SWEET PEA, RIVERDALE ⌟Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ