"It won't be that big of a deal," Hoseok says, "it's probably something average, I mean," Hoseok sits up from his comfortable position with a stretch, "its not like there will be a big chocolate fountain at where ever the two of you are going."

"This is a celebration that's probably grand enough to have a Royal Family participating in it, Hoseok, maybe there will be a chocolate fountain." Namjoon chews on his bottom lip.

"Well if there is I'm definitely tagging along." That eases the small bit of tension in Namjoon's shoulders. A small smile spreads on his face as he looks at Hoseok for a while.

A while meaning for a long time in comfortable silence that had Hoseok questioning the gleam in the others eyes. Towards him of all people. "What?"

"Nothing just.." Namjoon looks down at his lap, "I'm glad you're here." He admits with admiration In his voice and Hoseok doesn't question it.

He's pretty glad he's here too but if he says so the mood would turn even more sappy than it already is.

Right now all he wants to do is go to sleep and when he scratches the back of his head like an itchy dog, Hoseok wipes away the sweet smile on Namjoon's lips by throwing a pillow directly at his face- causing the younger to almost fall over the edge of the bed.

"Ow? Why?!" Namjoon raises his voice, cocking a brow as he clutches the pillow Hoseok threw.

"Cause I know that if I didn't you'd start giving me an entire speech of how much this friendship means to you, and I'm not trying to cry tonight." Hearing his reasoning causes Namjoon to crack another smile as his face turns into a pretty pink hue. The fact that Hoseok knew that he would do that- the two really did know each other like that, huh.

"Okay I get it." Namjoon shifts off the bed and fixes up his pajamas and runs a hand through his hair after setting down the thrown pillow, "I'll leave." He raises his hands in surrender before turning on his heels- walking over towards the bedroom door.

"Goodnight." The two say in unison to each other and Namjoon didn't know it but once he leaves the room and closes the door behind him the fond smile on Hoseok's face didn't fade away even falling straight to sleep.

Then when Namjoon closes the door behind him, his own smile slowly fades once he realizes where he was. Where he's staying. Where he's sleeping. Inside the castle walls of the Busan Royal Family's home.

It's such a breath taking realization because people at least have wondered what it's like being in a castle in general. Architecture so refined and portraits that have their own backstories and just...history in general is what lays inside each and every corner of the halls he walks down.

It's even more beautiful that outside the large spotless windows he passes by- the pretty night sky greets him and the walkways are dimly lit; soft as if it were a dream.

And he's so entranced with his surroundings that he didn't even hear the distant steps that were coming his way. His eyes too focused on a portrait of a family that once ruled. Their features were so defined that it didn't even seem like an actual portrait it was more like it was taken with a camera.

"And who might you be?" Namjoon jumps and he was so close to knocking over the painting when he held onto it for dear life.

The voice was so silky, smooth and angelic to the point it could put anyone to sleep but the voice spoke like a ghost through his ears in the quiet atmosphere that he could of gotten a panic attack.

as he shot his eyes over towards the voice with one hand trying to balance the portrait back to place and the other clutching his chest.

His breath hitched at the owner of such voice. A woman. A pretty woman with soft pale skin and crazy long black hair wearing a lilac colored gown that made her seem like she didn't exist. That she was a phantom.

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