Chapter 39: Dragon Chain Cannon (Edolas Arc)

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Yuki and Snow stare at the defeated Sugarboy sprawled on the ground. Yuki has a duplicate of the key made out of ice in his hands. Then Yuki and Snow hear someone running behind them.

"Snow! Yuki!" Natsu yelled.

"Natsu." Snow and Yuki look at him with a straight face.

"Finally caught up to the bastard!" Natsu said.

We told you to leave him to us, remember?" Snow informed.

"Where's the key?! Hand it over, you! You chinny bastard!" Natsu roughly shakes that unconcious Sugarboy.

"Um...Can't you see what i have in my hand?" Yuki asked. Natsu ignores him and continues to shake Sugarboy. "Anyway, we're fine. The situation has changed a bit. Where's Lucy?"

Natsu lets go of Sugarboy and looks at Yuki. "Oh, right...She's stuck."

"Stuck? What?" Snow said.

In the meantime, Coco helps Lucy by pulling her out under the octopus, but there seems to be a problem with the weight of her breasts.

"Anyway, Natsu...We can use this key! We can use it to save all of our friends!" Yuki said.

"What?" Natsu asked.

"Their plan was to use the Dragon Chain Cannon to pull the lacrima island and ram it into Extalia." Snow explained. "But! If we crash the Dragon Chain Cannon, infused with Dragon Slayer Magic, directly into the lacrima...we can turn everyone back to normal!"

"Oh! I don't get it, but i see!" Natsu exclaimed.

"The Dragon Chain Cannon seems to be up ahead." Yuki informed.

"Right, let's go." Natsu said.

"We have a problem though." Yuki added. "There's no way to enter the room."

"Then we just bust our way in, right?" Natsu suggested. "I can use magic now, remember?"

"Not gonna work." Snow responded. "There's some kind of 'Wizard Canceler' device that makes it so magic won't work."

"Won't know until we try, right?"

"We need a plan, first!"

They hear someone's footsteops heading in their direction. It happens to be Erza Knightwalker who approaches them. "So there you are..."

"Erza!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Wait..That's the Edolas'..." Snow muttered.

"Damn it...Our Erza...lost?" Natsu said.

Knightwalker knocks all three of them out.

Knightwalker ties the Dragon Slayers and drags them as she looks for the King.

"Are you well, Captain Knightwalker?" One of the guards asked.

"Well? Look at her!" Another guard responded.

"W-Where did you get those wounds?" The other one said.

"Just a few scratches." Knightwalker replied.

"And those three?"

"The key to the Dragon Chain Cannon." Knightwalker said.


"Is his Highness inside?" Knightwalker asked.

"Yes! This way." The guards open the door for her.

"All the preparations are complete." She mutters to herself. "An eternity of magic, right before my eyes..."

Somewhere else...

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