Chapter 33: 24-Hour Endurance Race

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Everyone is getting prepared for Fairy Tail's annual 24-Hour Endurance Race. "So cool!" A familar reporter shouted "This yearly event has finally come again! Fairy Tail's annual, mandatory-for-all-wizards 24-Hour Endruance Road Race! Commentating the race is yours truely Jason, the reporter for Sorcerer Weekly I'm gonna cover this major even so cool yet so hot!"

Mira holds a pink umbrella above Jet "There he is! The race's undefeated title holder: Jet!" Jason introduces Jet. "Rumor has it he does this to compensate for being lackluster during quests!"

"Hey!" Jet shouted.

"It's just a rumor!" Jason replied.

"Looks like Jet is gonna have another easy win this year..." Snow said.

"Hah! We'll see about that!" Natsu exclaimed, clenching his fist. "That title is mine!"

"People who talk like that never win" Gajeel informed.

"I got me a super-secret weapon!" Natsu smirked.

"Secret weapon, huh? You're such a kid" Snow said. The Dragon Slayers stare at each other with determination between them.

Cana quickly drinks a barrel of booze before the race "All right! Let's do this!" She throws the barrel aside.

"You drank all that just before you're about to run?!" Lucy asked.

"I need fuel if i'm gonna run" Cana answered. Lucy chuckled. "That's just like you...But man everyone's really revved up"

"Because no one wants the punishment game." Happy told her "Last year's was horrible.."

"Huh?! What punishment game?!" Lucy exclaimed

"Quiet down! My fellow Fairy Tail members! Wizards are lost without great intelligence and physical endurance! I ask you to pit all that power of yours against others' today!" Master Makarov announced

"Who needs intelligence?" Elfman asked.

"Yeah, physical strength is all that counts here..." Snow remarked.

"The rules are simple! You'll start here and race along a predetermined course toward Mt. Ivor! This year, I've left wyvern scales on the summit of the mountain. You're to take these scales and bring them back here within 24 hours! Forfeiting's not an option! For Fairy Tail wizards always go that extra mile for the benefit of future work! And, at the request of many wizards, I've instituted a new regulation: flying magic is forbidden!" Master Makarov announced Happy, Genie and Evergreen were planning to fly across the set to win, but their plans are ruined. "You're free to use all other types of magic!"

"Talk about wily..." Reedus said.

"Yeah, it's gotten crazy every year." Wakaba added.

"As always, whoever comes in last...will have a horrific punishment game in store for them!" Master Makarov reminds them about the punishment game. Everyone stands there speechless, scared of what the punishment game will be.

"Is it me, or is the master just in it for the punishment games?" Macao asked.

"Last year's was horrible..." Alzack muttered.

"But only one person gets punished, right?" Gajeel asked. "Then just don't come in last"

"That's very logical thinking..." Erza approaches them "...if not overly negative."

"What?!" Gajeel said.

"If you're going to compete, compete to win" Erza requips into a different outfit, including sunglasses and a hat. "Custom-made equipment that reduces muscular fatigue"

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