Chapter 27: Wizard Saint Jura (Oracion Seis Arc)

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There they are!" Jura, Yuki and Lucy arrive they see Snow being dragged by Brain by his scarf

"Snow!" Lucy called Snow turns to them, hopeless to do anything "What happened to you?"

"i'm going to hurl.." Snow answered trying not to throw up

"Oh..its Lucy and Yuki..." Natsu said "And the other guy..."

"Jura..." He sweat dropped

"Everyone..." Genie said

"Genie!" Yuki said

"Sir Cat is alive as well.." Jura commented

"Sir Cat?" Lucy and Yuki both said

"Save Snow...He is being taken away..." Genie told them

"Half of the six demons are now gone...We've fallen.." Brain said "In order to increase our ranks again, i will be taking this man now"

"I figured it was bound to happen someday" Natsu remarked, recovering from his motion sickness "To think that a Dark Guild wil really try and recruit him!"

"You'll never get Snow to work for you!" Lucy exclaimed

"Nirvana will turn his heart into complete darkness...making him my minion" Brain explained

"In your dreams, pal!" Snow bites Brain's arm "You still have such strength?" Brain picks him up and throws him onto the ground Snow stops struggling and gives up.

"He doesn't seem well" Jura said

"He's really not good at riding vehicles" Yuki explained

"Hurry..and beat...this guy...stop this thing..." Snow said weakly

"I'm not going to do it for you..but sure..." Natsu answered getting up

"Yeah!" Lucy agreed

"You? Stop Nirvana?" Brain said Nirvana continues to move "Good luck with that, this city will soon reach its destination...Cait Shelter"

"That's Wendy and Carla's guild!" Happy exclaimed "Why?" Brain smirks at them

"State your purpose why do you target Lady Wendy's guild?" Jura asked

"In the blink of an eye, this ultra reversal magic will turn a guild of light into one of darkness" Brain replied "I can't wait..We'll get to see Hell itself!"

"This guy is going to pay!" Lucy exclaimed

"You're one heartless bastard!" Yuki said Jura walks behind Yuki, scaring him a bit

"Did you not hear me? State your purpose" Jura asked him once more

Brain laughs out loud "I got nothing to say to a small fry like you! I am the ruler of the light and darkness! Kneel before me!"

"This man needs to be dealed with" Jura walks past them "He can't even hold a straight conversation"

"Begone, lowly scum!" Brain uses his staff to use Magic Jura points his fingers at Brain the ground crumbles and Brain is blown away "S-Such magic power...!"

"Stand. i will give you no time to rest until you explain why you are targeting Cait Shelter" Jura ordered

"D-Don't tell me that this middle-aged guy..." Yuki started to say

"...Is actually super strong?!" Lucy finished Nirvana continues to move forward to its destination

"So this guy is a Saint Wizard too, just like our own master..." Happy said Snow is hurling from his motion sickness

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