Chapter 24: Dead Grand Prix (Oracion Seis Arc)

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Natsu, Happy, Carla, and Wendy are heading back to the base Racer tries to stop them but Yuki holds up a wall made of ice to stop him

"Huh?! Yuki?!" Natsu asked on the other side of the ice

"Go!" Yuki shouted, panting "I told you before i'll handle him"

"But you used up too much of your magic power!" Natsu argued

"Just go, dammit!" Yuki shouted back

"Yuki..." Natsu said

"I won't let him get passed, even if it costs me my life! Go! Go to Snow!" Yuki replied

Natsu holds back at what Yuki said then he starts running "I promise you Yuki, we will save Snow!" Natsu replied "Even if i hate that shadow bastard, i wont let him die!"

"I'm counting on you, to save him" Yuki muttered, smiling

"You..You stopped me twice now" Racer said touching his hand to the ice

"And i'll keep on stopping you" Yuki told him this made Racer annoyed "Besides you will never be able to catch up to Natsu, I might have not been a member in Fairytail for very long, but you will always be end up eating our dust. Forever..."

Inside the Worth Woodsea, Natsu carries Wendy, Happy, and Carla, when he suddenly hears a voice inside his head "Natsu!" Natsu stops in his tracks

"Wha?!" Natsu asked in confusion, Happy wonders why Natsu is talking to himself

"Can you hear me?" Hibiki asked

"That voice..." Natsu said

"Natsu, can you hear me?" Hibiki repeated

" this?" Natsu asked

"It's me Hibiki from Blue Pegasus" Hibiki responded "What a relief, I was getting worried because i couldn't get through anyone else, But thanks to Gray and Genie they told me where you were"

"Oh! Where are you?" Natsu asked

"Not so loud, one of the enemy has very good hearing, they could be listening to every word we say" Hibiki warned him "That's why i am talking directly inside your head, by the way have you found Wendy and the cat?"

"They're right here, they are passed out though, but Happy is awake" Natsu replied

"Oh! that's great! Good job!" Hibiki told him "I am going to upload a map in your head that will lead you here, I cant connect with the cat probably because of his injuries or reduced magic power. At any rate, hurry back!"

"Huh? what upload? What are you talking about-" Just then a map went in Natsu's head, knowing where Snow and the others are

"What were you talking to yourself about?" Happy asked

"I dont know but something uploaded into my head" Natsu replied "Woah! What the? i know where Snow is! It's like i have always known!"

"I didn't get an upload into my head" Happy complained

"Hurry, Natsu" Hibiki said, watching Natsu through his magic then he turns to Snow "We're running out of time.."

"Hey, how did Natsu know where we are?" Lucy asked

"My Archive magic can compress information, it lets you transmit information to people faster then you could verbally" Hibiki explained

"I've never heard of magic like that" Gray remarked

"Yeah, the very idea of using magic to convert information into data" Hibiki answered

Genie was looking at Snow "I failed you Snow, I promised you I would always protect you, you wouldn't be in this situation if it hadn't been for me" Genie remembers Snow being bit by Cobra's snake while battling him

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