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~~~~~Harry’s POV~~~~~

A faint vanilla scent still lingered in the room. God, if she only knew what she does to me. I know I just met her, but my body literally explodes from the inside out with crazy emotions whenever I am near her. I can’t explain it, I don’t want to explain it…I want to explore it.

From the moment that I saw her sitting behind that huge table calling Louis out, I was captivated. “Feisty” was the first word that came to mind and out of my mouth after seeing her go toe to toe with Lou the way that she did. I was in complete awe at the way she shut him up, and then shut him down with only a “look” and a few choice words. It was also funny as hell. I still can’t believe that he retreated as quickly as he did, that is so unlike the Louis that I know. But for some bizarre reason he backed down and hid in the corner like a scared little bunny.

The only time that I have ever seen him back down from any type of argument, debate or discussion was when he…wait…I have never seen him back down…from anyone or anything. In “The World According to Louis” he is never wrong. So why was he so quick to walk away? Come to think of it, I am now wondering if he fancy’s her too. That would explain why I caught him staring at her when he thought no one was looking. Ahhh damn! He does fancy her, that little shit.

Why didn’t I see it earlier? Probably because I was so busy being wrapped up with my own crush on her, to even notice him, noticing her. Damn.

I guess I’ll need to have a little chat with him too, I already had to remind Liam that he has a girlfriend. He adamantly denied crushing on Maggie, of course, and now he is sore at me for even suggesting it. But I really think that he is just feeling guilty and is being pissy because I busted him.

I grab the t-shirt that Maggie threw at me just a few minutes ago and pull it over my head, I scan the floor for my gym shorts and I can see that they are halfway under the bed. Once dressed, I grab my toothbrush and travel bag from my black and neon green cinch bag. As I make my way to the other bathroom, it hits me that I didn’t bring toothpaste. Shit.

“Maggie?” I say as a lightly tap on the door.

“Yeah?” She says from the other side.

“Could you please put some toothpaste on my toothbrush for me, I seem to have left mine behind.”

“Sure, just give me a sec.”

I wait just a few seconds before I hear the door unlock and a tiny hand eagerly slips through the partial opening.

“Thanks.” I say as I hand her my toothbrush.

“No problem.” She says while pulling her hand back.

As I am waiting patiently for her to return with my toothbrush I can plainly hear that she is arguing with herself.

“Is everything okay in there?”

“No Harry, it’s not!”

“What’s wrong, love?”

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong,” she says as she flings the door open, standing in only a towel. A fluffy blue and white striped towel that rests about six inches above her knees. “This damn cast is what’s wrong! This damn pink cast!”

“Here let me help you.” I laugh, trying not to stare at her in that fluffy blue and white striped towel.

“It’s not funny.” She says as she steps out of the way allowing me to enter her bathroom. I find my toothbrush in the sink, I am guessing that’s where she threw it in her little bout of anger. I rinse the toothpaste off of the brush, and everything else she managed to get it on, including herself. I squeeze some new paste on the brush and then ask her where hers was.

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