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“Maggie, can you hear me? You need to wake up, sweetheart.”

Something cold and wet is on my forehead as I blink my eyes. My eye lids feel so heavy, I hear someone calmly calling my name, but I can’t make out who it is. I blink again, I can feel that someone is rubbing my hand.


I hear my name again as I slowly open my eyes.

I blink a few times as I see Liam’s face come into view, why is he looking down at me?  Am I on the floor? Why….am I on the floor?

“There you are, love,” I hear him say. “You really had me scared there for a moment.”

“W…what happened?” I manage to say as I try to lift my head to look around.

“I do believe that you passed out,” he says sliding his arm under my back helping me sit up.

“Passed out? For how long?”

“Just for a few minutes.”


“Yeah, you started to ramble after you told me that I was mean and that you didn’t like me anymore, and then the next thing I know you were about to fall out of your chair. But I caught you before you hit the floor.”

“I told you that I didn’t like you?”

“Yes you did!” He says laughing. “And that I was mean.”

“Oh wow, Liam, I do not remember saying that, I am so sorry. I promise that I do like you, I really, really do, and you’re not mean.”

“I know, love, no worries.”

“I wonder why I did that.” I say with a puzzled look. “I have never done anything like that, and I have definitely never passed out before.”

“Have you ever broken a bone before?”


“Well, I have. A few years ago I broke my toe and I cried like a baby, I didn’t fight the pain the way you are.”

“Is that what I was doing? Fighting the pain? Is that why I passed out and I don’t remember the last ten minutes?”

“Well you already know, I am no “Doctor”, I just play one on TV,” he laughs. “But I am pretty sure that your thoughts and actions were probably influenced by the pain that you were feeling.”


“How are you feeling now?” He asks as he sits beside me on the floor placing my hand back in the ice wrap.

 “Well, not so good, I think.”

“It will be okay, Maggie, Paige is on her way.”

“Okay,” I whimper as I lay my head on his shoulder.

“Don’t go to sleep,” he tells me.

“I won’t.”

A few minutes later Paddy finally returns with a furious Paige, along with Harry, Niall and strangely Louis in tow.

“What the hell did you do to her? And why are you sitting in the floor?” She barks as she approaches us.

“Nice to see you too, Paige.” Liam says.

Even though Paddy had mostly already filled her in, she still wanted to hear Liam’s version of the events prior and up to my injury. She just kept shaking her head in disbelief as he explained. Harry and Niall remained quiet and observant in the background, listening carefully to what Liam had to say, while Louis rummaged through the fridge.

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