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I gripped the arms of the highback leather executive chair nervously, as I watched the four people enter the room. Two women and two men. I recognized the one man as Paul the driver, only to find out later that he was actually the bands Tour Manager and Head of Security.

I make myself stand and smile nervously as each of them take their places at the empty chairs across from me. "Hello Maggie," the pretty red head with piercing green eyes says to me. "I am Nina, and I am so glad to finally meet you," she says as she reaches across the table to shake my hand.

"Hi Nina," I say as I extend my hand, "I am glad to finally meet you as well."

"Maggie I would like to introduce you to my colleagues, this lovely lady is Lydia Spencer, she oversees our Human Resources Department for our London based office."

"Hello Ms. Spencer, it is very nice to meet you," I say.

"Ah, please call me Lydia dear," the slight pudgy woman with perfect gleaming white teeth said.

"Okay...Lydia," I smile.

"Now Maggie, I do believe that you have already met this good looking man right here," she says turning to Paul.

"Hello Paul," I say.

"Hello Miss Maggie, it is very good to see you again," he says smiling while giving me a wink.

"Thank you," I say smiling brightly. "It's good to see you too."

"And...last but certainly not least, is Gabe Forester he is the Head of our Public Relations Department."

"It is nice to meet you Sir," I say to the gentleman with the salt and pepper hair and matching beard.

"Likewise fairlady," he says as he tips his Pistons ball cap.

"Now that we are all friends, shall we get started?" Nina asks.

"Yes we shall," I say as I sit back down.

"So Maggie how was your flight?" Nina asks as she is clearly fidgeting with something in her bag.

"It was amazing, especially since I had never flown before," I say as I try to make eye contact with the others. "Did you know that they serve chocolate covered strawberries and champagne in First Class?" I hear myself ask.

Ugh...why did I ask that, I am rambling now...stop Maggie...breathe, my subconscious is telling me.

"You're so cute," Nina says laughing as the others join her.

"Sorry, I tend to ramble when I am nervous."

"No need to be nervous dear, you are amongst friends," Lydia says to me. I can't help but smile and sigh in relief at her kind and comforting words.

"Thank you, I will do my best to remember that."

"Well I am glad to hear that you enjoyed your flight, how about your hotel room, do you find it comfortable?"

"Oh my goodness yes, I am not used to all of this special treatment, but I have to admit that I really love that bathtub."

Shit...I'm doing it again.

"We are glad that you are enjoying yourself," Lydia chimed grinning. "Only the best for our team...err...I mean potential team."

"Well you all really out did yourselves in the hospitality department, oh and thank you so much for the Fallon tickets, that was so much fun...and that Paige...oh Paige, she is one of a kind, truly an asset," I say with sincerity.

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