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*A/N-This is a passage from one of my upcoming chapters, it is meant to be a teaser. I do hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment, your opinions matter.*


"Why do you feel the need to constantly be such a jerk to me?" I ask him finally calling him out on his bratty behavior.

"I didn't realize that I was, love," he says while laying crossways in the chair playing video games.

"That is bullshit and you know it Lou. You have gone out of your way to cause me problems from the moment we met and you act like you tolerate me only because you have too."

"'re just imagining that Mags," he says laughing not even bothering to look up at me.

I go over and sit down on the edge of the coffee table right in front of him deliberately blocking his view of the TV. "Hey, what the hell Maggie!" he hisses.

"Really now?" I say as I glare at him. "So let me make sure I got this're saying that it was just my imagination...when you tried to sabotage my friendship with Niall by telling him some BS story that I found him immature and boring. was just my imagination that you answered my phone and purposely told my father that I was in the shower with Harry and Liam...knowing damn well that I was in there to help Liam with Harry, because he was drunk. Oh...and I just imagined that you purposely threw a water balloon filled with bleach at me, only a few hours ago, ruining my favorite sundress...did I get all of that right?"

"Yep, pretty much," he says with a smug look on his face.

"Dammit, you are such an asshole Louis Tomlinson!"

"Whatever, you are entitled to your opinion, sweetheart."

"Do NOT call me sweetheart!" I say through clenched teeth as I continue to glare. "I am so friggen over this and you! I can't make you like me, and I am so done trying to be your friend. I know you don't want me here, you have made that no secret! You say that I am just a babysitter, maybe so after all the layers are removed, but you need to just get over it, because I am not going anywhere, and you with your shitty attitude can just kiss my ass!"

Oh my God I can't believe that I am crying again.

I stand to leave and he grabs my "good" wrist to prevent me from going anywhere, as soon as he touches me I feel that same jolt of electricity that I have felt everytime his skin as come in contact with mine. "Wait," he says in a drawn out voice. I turn to look at him, as he is pulling me down onto his lap.

Oh shit! I'm not sure if I like this.

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