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I walk through my front door at exactly 5:42pm, not much time to do anything else except maybe change clothes and grab me something to drink, so much for relaxing and preparing before for my interview.

I would have gotten off on time if it hadn't been for little Holly Ritter a sweet little girl who unfortunately decided to get sick all over the waiting room floor, the bathroom floor and again on the exam room floor. Today, Holly with a head full of flowing red curls reminded me of something straight out of "The Exorcist". I don't think in my six years as a Peds nurse have I ever seen a child throw up so friggen much. Once Dr. T examined the little girl he concluded that she had a nasty stomach virus and decided to go ahead and send her to the emergency room because she was so dehydrated. I, Tina Marie the other Peds nurse and Michelle the office manager all worked feverishly for what seemed like hours to clean and disinfect all of the areas that Holly came in contact with, which were many, many areas.

Unfortunately I did not have time to shower so I quickly kicked off my shoes and socks and stripped down to just my pink boy shorts. I threw on sweats and a t-shirt and boy was I glad to get out of those clothes. I hung my bra on the door knob and threw my soiled scrubs in the hamper before going into my office/spare bedroom. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and took a seat on the sofa. I retrieved my phone, note pad and pen from my purse, and thought now I am ready, bring on the interview. I didn't wait long, at precisely 6:00pm my phone rang. I look at the CID and do not recognize the number, "this is it" I say as I take one last breath before answering what I hope to be a life changing phone call.

"Hello?” I say into the phone, trying very hard not to sound nervous.

"Ms. Kincaid?” The voice asked.

"Yes, this is she."

"Hello Ms. Kincaid, my name is Nina Cabbott and I am the Human Resources Manager for MMC Incorporated, how are you today?”

"I am great, but please call me Maggie."

"Very well, Maggie it is then, and if you would please call me Nina."

"Okay Nina," I say still not trying to sound nervous, but I feel as if my heart is going to jump out of my chest at any friggen minute.

"So Maggie," she continues in what I think is a British accent, I am not sure though, I have never spoke or met anyone with a British accent before. "The reason I am calling you today is to conduct a very casual and relaxed interview just to get to know you a little better, does that sound okay?"

"Okay sure, ask me anything,"

God, can I sound any more unprofessional? Breathe Maggie.

"Very well then, now we and when I say "we" I mean myself and a panel of other members of MMC, already know a great deal about you from your initial submission, so why don't you tell me something that we don't already know, and we can build on that."

"Um, I....oh...okay, I just sent my son...err...I mean nephew Noah off to boot camp," I spit out frantically.

"Your nephew?" she asked. I could definitely tell she was confused.

"Yes, my nephew, I consider him kind of my son because I have raised him since he was eight years old, after my sister Patricia was killed in a car accident."

"Oh my goodness that is so tragic, what happened, if you don't mind me asking?" I can hear the sincerity in her voice and I begin to relax a little bit.

As I begin to tell her about that night, I clear my throat and take a deep breath. I hate telling this story, it is so painful for me to relive the events that changed my life forever and it is near impossible for me not to become emotional.

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