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Back in my room err…suite, the first thing I do is kick off my very uncomfortable yet awesome looking heels. I make my way to the bedroom and throw my purse and two inch binder on the bed. I strip out of my clothes and throw on a pair of green “Pink” cotton capris and my favorite tie-dyed pink and lime green pullover hoodie. Once completely settled I pull out my phone to call my best friend. 

“Are you sitting down?” I ask Melissa, wanting to prepare her for the news that I was about to hit her with.

“Yes actually, I am sitting at my desk paying some bills,” she says seemingly preoccupied. “Why what’s up…err…ooh…how did your interview go?”

I had spoke to Melissa earlier this morning and brought her up to speed with all my activities of the previous night. However, she appeared more impressed with the fact that I got to see “Hannah Montana” than anything else. I hopelessly tried to make her understand that Miley Cyrus hasn’t been “Hannah Montana” in a long, long time, but she didn’t care. “She will always be “Hannah Montana” to me,” she admitted. And they call me the crazy one.


“I met the band,” I say.


“Don’t freak out,” I tell her.

“Uh, okay?”


“Maggie, spit it out already!” she cried. I could tell that she was starting to get aggravated with me.

“One Direction.”


“You heard me,” I calmly say.

“It sounded like you said…..One Direction;”

“I did,” I say with a smile.

“Stop playing,” she demanded.

“Melissa, I’m…not…playing.”

“Oh…my…God, are you freaking kidding me right now?”

“No,” I say now laughing at her. “I am not kidding, I promise.”

“Oh wow, Ashley is going to flip out when she finds out,” she says.

“I know, right? that was the first thing that popped into my head after I got past the initial shock.”

“Tell me what happened, and don’t you dare leave anything out,” she said with extreme excitement.

I go on to tell Melissa all the details of my interview, if you can even call it that and then about the actual job offer itself. I tell her about Louis making an ass of himself, and how I called them out for purposely deceiving me. I then explain that after Nina’s sincere apology, all was eventually forgiven.

“Oh my goodness Mag’s, are you going to take it?”

“I’m thinkin about it,” I say as I nonchalantly flip through the pages of the binder.

“I think I would take it,” she says.

“You do realize that these are not actually boys, but men in their early 20’s? Not to mention the fact that they are all incredibly sexy and…that they all have friggen British accents, except for Niall he has an Irish one.”

“I still think that I would take it,” she says. “Besides, when will you ever have an opportunity like this again…uh probably never.”

“I don’t know…I definitely have a lot of thinking to do.”

Maggie's BOYSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें