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Paige programmed her GPS for 30 Rockefeller Plaza and we both laughed hysterically when we realized that we were actually less than a mile away.

"I guess I should have done my homework," she says while trying to compose herself. "But in my defense I have only been in the city a week longer than you, and....I had a driver."

"Yeah, yeah go ahead and make your excuses," I snicker as I lightly poke her in her arm. "So...if you have only been here a week, where were you before?"

"We have two main office locations one is located in Los Angeles, where I am based and the other in London, but we have hubs across the US, Europe and Australia."

"Hubs?" I ask.

"Yeah um....portable office's....kind of."

"Sorry, I am just a little confused."

"What it actually means is that we have individuals who are contracted through MMC and their affiliates to handle our clients within their assigned jurisdictions." She tries to explain. "Notably our clients include mostly X Factor contestants along with a few others."

"So what you're saying is...that if one of your clients is in town either performing or even just visiting, your team assigned to that particular area oversees all of their needs through this "portable" office?"

"Yes! Exactly," she proclaims.

"Okay, that makes sense," I say just as I realized that I got another clue of who this band is.

We arrive at our destination just a few minutes later, but because "someone" over estimated our travel time we had about an hour to spare.

Paige easily navigates through the parking lot until she finds an open space. "What do we do now?" I ask as she puts the luxury car in park.

"We wait," she says as she flips down the visor to check her lipstick in the attached mirror.

"Can I turn the radio on?" I ask after a few moments of awkward silence.

"Sure doll, whatever makes you happy."

I swipe my finger across the "ON" icon and immediately hear a somewhat familiar song playing and I can't help but sing along with the chorus.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, you don't know, oh, oh, you don't know your beau...t...i...ful."

I bust out giggling as I find myself pointing and singing to Paige and she is staring at me like I just stepped off of the crazy train. Once the song ends the DJ comes over the air and in his ever so prominent "DJ" voice announces, "From 2011 that was "What Makes You Beautiful", by One Direction, and coming up next the latest from Rhianna.”

"Oh okay," I say outloud.

"Okay...what?" Paige asked nervously.

"Oh that song was by that group One Direction, my niece Ashley wants me to take her to their concert sometime next year and I couldn't remember what songs they sang, but I recognized that one," I tell her.

"Oh I see", she says. I couldn't help but notice that she seemed to sigh in what I think was...relief.

"So Paige, if I do get this job, do you think they would give me the time off, so I could take her?" I ask. "Going to concerts is kind of our thing."

"Oh....I don't see that being a problem," she says in an odd voice.

"That's good, I would really hate to disappoint her."

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