Chapter Fifteen- Not So Holly Jolly Christmas Part 2

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Sierra's Point of View

"Nice to meet you Jackson," Andy says.

They shake hands and then we awkwardly stare at each other for a few moments before someone shouts Andy's name.


I turn to see a blue streak and then Andy pulls me against his chest and turns his back to the man sized splash a few inches from us.

"Holy shit!" I say, and spit up a little water. Andy pats my back gently and then glares at the person who made the massive splash.

"Sorry man, I guess I over shot....?"

I turn at that unmistakable voice and see none other than Bryan Stars, shaking water from his short blonde hair.

"No shit Sherlock!" Andy says. "Goddamn, you nearly crushed Sierra!"

"...Uhm...?" Bryan's eyes finally drift over to me, and then to Andy's arm around my shoulders, and then to me, and then back to Andy. "Oooooohhhhhhh. Andy, when did this happen? I thought we were friends?"

"Yeah, well," Andy rubs my neck with his hand.

"Hi," I say, extending my hand to Bryan. "I'm Sierra, girlfriend of the giant numbskull over here." I jerk my thumb in Andy's direction.

"Hey!" Andy whines, feigning hurt.

"Awww," I lean up as far as I can but still coming up short, I reach up and pull Andy's face down some more before pressing my lips to his cheek. Goddamn he's fucking tall. "I was only kidding babe."

He smiles down at me and gestures for me to kiss his cheek again. With a playful roll of my eyes I oblige and he grins.

"Cute," Bryan says. "Don't forget that we are supposed to do an interview tomorrow at like three okay?"

"Oh yeah, Thanks for reminding me." Andy says.

"Hey, bring Sierra too." Bryan suggests.

"Why?" Andy asks.

"Because the fans want to know who she is." Bryan says.

"The fans?" I ask. "Why do the fans want to know about me?"

Bryan swims toward the edge of the pool. "Johnnie! Hand me my phone!" The black haired boy hands Bryan an iPhone before sitting back down.

Bryan holds up his phone for us to see a gritty image of me and Andy at the airport earlier today, kissing. "This has been all over Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, everything." Bryan says.

"Damn..." Andy mutters. "That was fast. Okay, you wanna do the interview Angel?" Andy asks me.

"Uhhhh, sure." I swim to the edge and pull myself out, water streaming down my body. "I'm gonna grab a drink."

And then I walk over to the bar. A few guys whistle as I walk past in my wet bikini, but I ignore them.

"What can I get ya?" The bartender asks.

"Uhm, White Russian?"

He doesn't even bother to card me - just nods and slides me the drink, which I carry back to the table. "Hey guys," I say.

CC and Ashley look up at me.

"What's up?"

"I got that chick's number." Ashley says.

"Yay," I sip my drink at search for Andy. I find him leaning against the edge of the pool, still talking to Bryan. But his piercing blue eyes are on me instead of the guys he's socializing with. I send him a smile, which he returns. A moment later the four guys he's talking to all turn in my direction. Then they look back to Andy and one claps him on the back. A second later Andy's face turns slightly red. I finish my drink and then walk over to the hottubs, taking a seat with Ella, Sammi, Lauren, and I can't believe it, but Jeffree Star.

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