Chapter Fourteen- Not So Holly Jolly Chirstmas Part 1

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Sierra's Point of View

I check my hair in the mirror one last time before walking into my bedroom and ploping onto my bed. I login into my laptop and pull up my Skype account. Andy called me earlier today and asked me to go on a Skype date with him, it was the cutest! Before I even have a chance to see who else is online I immediately have an incoming call. I click accept, and suck on my lip ring anxiously.

"Hello gorgeous!" Andy greets, smiling.

"Oh my god, it's so good to see you!" I say.

He grins at me and my heart stops. "So how are you?"

"Good. I'm tired though, I was at the shop late last night."

"Ahhhh....That's cool. So how's it going? Have you picked up on appointments now that you've been working there a little longer?"

"Uhm, Yeah I guess. We're closing today and won't open until after New Years, so if you don't mind my presence then I'll tag along with you guys until then."

"I love your presence," Andy says, and my breath catches in my throat.

I know it's not really the same thing, but it's almost as if he's saying he loves me. I smile at him.

"It'd be fucking great if you were with is that long."


He winks at me. "So when are you flying down here?"

"I'll be there probably close to ten tomorrow morning," I say.


Crow suddenly darts into my room and pounces up onto my bed. He settles onto my back and stares at the screen.

"Hey baby!" Andy exclaims and begins cooing at him. God, he is like the sexiest thing already but when he's around cats and goes all mushy over them it takes it to the next level (Author's Note: lmfao sorry but I seriously love that interview).

Crow perks up at Andy's voice and jerks around, looking for him. At some point he notices Andy waving at him on camera and pounces forward, pressing his paw to the screen. It's almost as if he's trying to get to Andy.

We both laugh and Crow either gives up or gets so pissed off that he stalks away and curls up by my ankles.

"You two are seriously the cutest," I say.

Andy blushes slightly. "Don't pretend that you aren't amused by us either, Angel." Everytime he calls me that my stomach flutters. "You love us."

"Yeah I do," I say. "Especially Crow."

"Oh, I see," Andy scoffs, pretending to be hurt. "You're only with me for my cat. Well then."

"Yes Andy," I roll my eyes, smirking. "I am only with you for your cat. Crow is loyal, and takes naps with me, and waits for me to get home from work, and he likes when I rub his tummy. All qualities that I haven't found in you yet."

A devilish smirk lights up his face. "You can rub me when you come down here."

"Andy!" My face flushes red in embarrassment and I bury my head in the comforter.

"If you guys are gonna have Skype sex can I at least watch?" Ashley's disembodied voice calls from somewhere on Andy's side of the video.

I watch Andy visably get pissed. "Be right back, Angel." Andy says, before stalking off camera. I hear a door open and then Ashley screams.

"No! No! I was just kidding! Ow! YOU MOTHER FUCKER! Holy shit, okay okay I'm sorry! Ow!"

The door closes again and Andy reappears. "Sorry about that," he smiles at me.

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