Part 6

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Skye had been a mess all day long and the entire team had noticed. Though her playing was on par with her standard, her demeanor was completely different. All day she had been spacy and had to have almost everything repeated to her. Nearly everyone recognized the symptoms of lovesickness when they saw it. They knew that it would pass soon, so everyone just sort of ignored Skye until she and Jemma did the deed.

Skye stripped quickly as soon a she was behind a closed door and sat naked on the toilet lid, enjoying the coolness after a long day of non-stop lacrosse and interviews. She wanted nothing more than to just lay around with Jemma and do nothing. Sadly she had made that bet and now wasn't allowed to do the one thing that she really, really wanted to do. She turned on the water cold and stepped in, even though she had already taken an ice bath. If she was going to resist the temptation that awaited her at home in the form of Jemma Simmons living, breathing and sleeping in the same bed as her, she was going to need the reinforcements.


Dressed in her usual nighttime uniform of panties and a too large t-shirt, Skye towel dried her hair, knowing that Jemma liked the way it dried into waves. She vaulted into the bed in her athletic way, bouncing Jemma in the air a little, and slid in next to her girlfriend.

"Jemma... honey..." Skye asked, and the surgeon could see her swallow. "Are you not wearing pants?"

"It got hot." the doctor replied nonchalantly, completely aware of the effect that she was having on Skye.

"Okay." she replied with another swallow, her face going even more red with every brush or skin. Jemma grinned a little, knowing that if she played her cards right, she would be getting what she wanted later that night. Collarbones or no collarbones.

"What the match?" Jemma asked innocently, nestling in closer to Skye after she had picked up her laptop and the DVD.

"Sure." Skye murmured, having trouble tearing her eyes, lips, nose... her gaze kept getting caught on the random details. As they watched the match, Skye indulged herself periodically; kissing Jemma's hair or temple, and once even the back of her hand.


"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Skye asked.

"Better now that you're home." Jemma replied despite knowing that she sounded totally cheesy.

"I missed you, too. I'd stay home all day with you if I could." Skye murmured as Jemma readjusted to pillow her head on the younger girl's shoulder.

"You'd go stir crazy you're the kind of person who needs to be doing something all of the time." Jemma refuted. though she appreciated the sentiment.

"I'm sure that I could find something to do." Skye teased.

"I bet you could." Jemma chuckled, pressing into Skye's crotch lightly with her knee. "You love lacrosse and I'm not going to be the one who takes it from you." Jemma added. "I'm going to be okay. I'm supposed to be able to go back to work soon too. Then I won't be nearly so annoying."

"You don't annoy me in the slightest, Doc. I don't think you could if you tried." Skye laughed back, knowing exactly what Simmons was trying to do, and she refused to admit just how effective it was.

"I don't know about that. I can do nearly anything when I put my mind to it." Jemma said with a grin, looking up at Skye with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Skye leaned up and pressed a kiss to Skye's jaw when she saw the athlete's breath hitch.

"You don't play fair, Jems.' she whispered, her hands finding underwear-clad hips.

"I never said that I did." Jemma kissed Skye nearly everywhere except for her lips as Skye's hands went exploring down Jemma's legs, doing her best to pull her closer.

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