Part 3

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Jemma lived in a flat-style apartment, much like the kind that she had had back in Britain, it reminded her of home.

"Make yourself comfortable, Skye. Mi casa es su casa." Jemma offered, suddenly feeling extremely tired as she threw her purse around and onto the counter and her keys into the bowl by the door. Her apartment was unsurprisingly extremely organized and medical books, journals, and magazines lined her shelves. Pictures of a very young Jemma graduating high-school with her glowing parents on either side of her, one of her and a red-haired boy that Skye assumed to be Fitz talking outside of an OR in matching scrubs, with patients and interns lining the hallways.

"All of those patients seem to like you a lot." Skye commented.

"Yeah, we all got along pretty well." Jemma said softly leaning into the young athlete's arm and fitting herself close to Skye's side.

"What is it, sweetheart?" Skye asks.

"These are the patients that I've lost."

"Oh." Skye mentally scolds herself for the heavy atmosphere her lack of eloquence. "I'm sorry." she added, kissing the top of Jemma's head and wishing that she could do more.

"It's okay. I should have learned to not get so attached, but obviously, that isn't my strong suit. I'm supposed to be the strong, cold, doctor with the steady hands and the sharp mind. I'm not supposed to be a friend, an enemy or a confidant." Jemma sighs. "Let's just go to bed." she suggests.

"Whatever you want, honey." Skye replied. As she followed Jemma into the bedroom, knowing that they weren't about to do anything exciting, she realized exactly how whipped she really and truly was.

Skye took off her shoes, socks, jeans, and bra, leaving her in just her flannel shirt and panties, and sat on the edge of the bed to wait on Jemma. She watched the older woman go through her routine and was amazed at how someone so small and frail looking could be so strong. Jemma Simmons was most probably the strongest woman that she had ever met. She decided that no matter what, she was going to do her best to prove her worth to her.

"How are you older than me? You're tiny..." Skye teases curiously.

"I just never got very big, I guess." Jemma said with a shrug around her toothbrush

"So I see." Skye said as Jemma entered the bedroom in a tank top and boxers.

"I've got to be ready for anything." she scolded with an adorable pout, climbing into the bed next to Skye.

Skye kissed her cheek in the best way that she knew how to reassure and comfort her. "It's okay." and wrapped an arm around Jemma's waist. Jemma grabbed Skye's shirt in one fist and kissed her for real on the mouth.

"It very much is." Jemma said making Skye giggle, and kiss her back with a vengeance.

"You keep doing that and neither of us will be sleeping, so you'd better stop, Jems." Skye said. "You have had a long day."

Jemma fell asleep with Skye wrapped around her like a blanket, only so much better.

She woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon burning. Jemma jumped up and out of bed and ran into the kitchen to see Skye mumbling curses and waving a spatula in the air.

"Sorry, apparently I went temporarily insane and thought that I was capable of making you breakfast in bed." Skye said when she heard Jemma laughing.

"You are literally the cutest human being ever." Jemma said through her giggles, grabbing Skye by the back of the head and kissing her. Skye, in turn, just stood there looking dumbfounded.

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