Part 1

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"Well, if it isn't Skye No-Name again." Dr. Simmons said with a grin, as she saw her favorite patient lying in a hospital bed.

"Hey, Dr. Jemma. I'm almost positive my clavicle is broken. I just wanted to make sure that there isn't any other damage done, just to get my coaches off of my back."

"You are the worst, Skye. You know that they love you like you're their daughter, just stop getting hurt all of the time and then you know that they will leave off. I feel like I see you once a week." Simmons fussed as she helped the younger girl out of her jersey.

"Lacrosse is my life, Jem. You know that. If I didn't have it in my world, I'd probably be an incredibly lonely hacker living out of my van." Skye told her matter-of-factly, turning just as Simmon's hands brushed over the muscular shoulder, their eyes met and Jemma felt that familiar tingle run down her spine.

This was a dance that had gone on for far too long. Skye would come into her hospital, injured and smiling like a goober, her easy and flirtatious nature making Jemma blush and grin back. the chemistry was undeniable and then all of a sudden it would hit Jemma that this was a patient and that she was a doctor, so she would buckle back down to work to make herself forget. Somehow, that never extended to the daydreams. Those constantly revolved around the orphaned lacrosse player.

"Hey Jemma, we've been getting to know one another pretty well form my multiple adventures here, right?" Skye asked

"I'd say so." she responded, taking much too long and running her finger along the injured bone in question. For some reason, it had to have been this bone. This one bone that had always done something for Simmons that nothing else had.

"I was just thinking that since you are mostly the reason. I am able to stay on the field, you should come and see me play." she almost shrugged before she remembered that she was hurt.

"You know that a doctor's schedule is insane, especially a surgeon's like myself. But, if you send me a list of times and places I will do my best." Jemma replied against her better judgment. Skye's face went from resigned disappointment to the excited expression of a child with a candy bar. Simmons' face lit with the knowledge that she was the one who had been able to cause it.

"That's great, just give me your number and I'll do that." she told the British doctor, handing over her iPhone.

"Here now, I'm positive that the bone is broken, and I don't think that you are going to have any complications from it, but I'm going to have an intern take you in for x-rays anyway." Jemma said as she handed back the cell phone.

"Help me with my gown?" Skye asked as she stood up, still in jeans and a sports bra.

Jemma's self-control was horribly tested as she allowed her eyes to graze Skye's body. Her olive skin was marked with scars and bruises all over, but Jemma had to admit that Skye was possibly the most beautiful person she had ever laid eyes on. She was muscular and had the kindest eyes and most wonderful smile.

Jemma shook her head as she tried to stop thinking about her patient in that way, still, the way her back moved so fluidly as Jemma undid the clasp on Skye's bra drove her insane, her breath hitched as she slid off her jeans. The usually very composed doctor scrambled for the gown before tying it around the athlete's neck and pulling her hair out from underneath the tie.

"Thanks, doc, really. I'm not quite sure what I'd do without you." Skye said, suddenly turning to look at Jemma with those big brown eyes.

"Probably ring for a nurse." Jemma joked. "An intern should be right in. I'll see you later."

An hour later Jemma's phone rang with Skye's entire schedule on it.


"Fitz, what do you even wear to a lacrosse match?" Jemma asked her best friend from medical school.

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