Part 2

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Usually, meet and greets were one of Skye's favorite things in the world, but today her head just wasn't in it. SHe just really wanted to be wherever Jemma was, or on the field with a crosse in her hands and a bad guy to hit. Those were her favorite things in the world. She couldn't believe that she and Jemma had only known each other for maybe six months and she was already this far gone for the Brit.

"Skye! I can't believe that it's actually you." a little girl squealed, approaching her table. The kid was in pigtails and a jersey, with Skye's number, 25, larger than life printed on its back.

"It's me, kiddo, do you want me to sign something for you, or a picture, or maybe both?" she asked, coming out from around the table, despite having been scolded by security for the same thing on multiple other occasions.

"Both, please!" she cooed and the girl's mother passed Skye a miniature crosse. Struck with an idea, Skye grabbed her own crosse from behind the table and passed it to the kid to sign.

"Clearly, you're going to be even better than me one day, so can I have your autograph?" Skye asked, passing a sharpie to her as well.

"I wouldn't have pegged you for a kid person." said a familiar British accent that immediately made Skye's heart do somersaults.

"I guess that there is a lot that you don't know about me then, isn't there, Jemma?" she teased in return after taking back her crosse and smiling for a couple of photos.

"As long as you aren't a serial killer." Simmons chuckled and grinned when she saw Skye's face light up.

"What are you doing here?" Skye asked excitedly, jumping up to throw her arms around Jemma's neck.

"I don't have any more surgeries today and I needed some cheering up, so I came to see you. I realize now that I may not have thought this all of the ways through, you're clearly otherwise occupied with your hordes of fans." Jemma replied.

"Just take a seat here, and I can sign things and be polite at the same time. I cheer you up." Skye said, not sure how this was going to work but definitely not wanting Jemma to go anywhere Jemma sat quietly and watched Skye interact with each fan and soon she was able to differentiate between Skye's genuine smile and her polite 'photo-face' smile.

"Hey, Jemma, get in here." Skye said, a nervous looking fan at her side. The camera flashed almost as soon as Jemma's arm was around Skye's waist.

"What was all of that about?" she asked.

"She had asked if you were my girlfriend and I said yes and she wanted you in the picture. I'm sorry, I should have asked you first." Skye apologized.

"It's no big deal, I was just taking a moment to enjoy the sound of the 'g-word' coming out of your mouth. Feel welcome to use it much more often." Jemma said as the newest wave of attention-hungry fans approached.

Skye smiled, shook hands with, and posed with fifty or so more fans before the meet and greet was over. Finally, Skye returned to where Jemma was sitting in the athlete's abandoned chair.

"So, girlfriend, now that this is accidentally official, how would you like to meet the rest of my team?" Skye asked, looking really and truly exhausted.

"I'd like that a lot." Jemma replied, letting Skye wrap an arm around her waist.

"Good, because this is the only family that I have got." Skye said with a brilliant and completely genuine smile.

"Then I'm twice as glad to have met them." Jemma said with a smile that Skye decided could light up an entire city.

"You want to go to dinner afterward?" Jemma asked.

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