Part 5

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She was terrified that Simmons might never wake up and sometimes when she was left alone with Jemma's unconscious form, she wouldn't be able to hold it all in anymore, and she would just sit and cry.

"Hey, babe. What's wrong?" asks an incredibly groggy voice.

"Jemma?" Skye asks. Embarrassed to have been caught crying, Skye jerked up, looking around, for Fitz or someone. When she realized that she and Jemma were still alone, she looked to Jemma herself and realized that her eyes were still open.

"Hey baby, did you sleep well?" Skye asked, her eyes welling up with tears again. Jemma's brow creased in worry as Skye hit the call button. Skye immediately went pour Jemma a glass of water and handed it to her.

"Is everything alright, Ms.C...oh! Sleeping Beauty finally woke up. Did you hear anything interesting?" the nurse asked as she went about taking Jemma's vitals.

"I'll page Dr. Fitz for you. He'll probably be right up. For now, I'll give you two a moment alone. Go easy on her Doc, you've got a good one here."

"Jemma, I have something I need to tell you..." Skye started immediately after the nurse left.

"Stop Skye, I know. I heard you." she interrupted. "And I love you even more for it."

"Jemma." Skye murmured. "I was so worried. And I missed you so much and..." Skye openly cried and Jemma wished she could do something about her pain, but she was still exhausted and aching and her mind felt all muddled.

"Skye, I have gone three weeks without seeing your smile." Jemma reminded her. "I did not wake up from a coma so that I could watch you cry."

Skye chuckled a little and stood to move to where Jemma rested, stroking a lock of hair from her face to behind her ear.

"I love you so much." Skye whispered. Jemma raised a shaking hand to cup Skye's cheek and then, the back of her head to bring her down to her face. Skye breathed Jemma in and the surgeon could feel Skye's tears drip onto her cheeks.

"Skye, it's all going to be okay. I love you."

"Skye Coulson! I leave you alone for an hour, and the patient wakes up and you're already making out with her?" Fitz fusses as he storms in, throwing his arms around his best friend.

"Oh, Fitz. I love you. I missed you so much. Let's never fight again. Jemma said as he whipped out a penlight to look into her eyes.

"I should've never tried to tell you who you could or couldn't date Jemma. In the past three weeks, Skye and I have gotten to know each other and she honestly loves you and she is a former hacker, but there was..." he rambled his apology as he took her vitals for himself.

"I know, Fitz. I could hear you." Jemma interrupted.

"Oh, okay." he said looking a little bit uncomfortable. "We'll keep you overnight to keep an eye on you, of course, but then we'll send you home as long as you have someone to keep an eye on you, which, of course, I'm sure Skye and I can handle between the two of us."


"I am all for keeping an eye on her. If we leave her alone for too long, she might try to get herself run over again." Skye joked.

"Skye, darling, what happened to your hands?" Jemma asked, her brow creasing with worry.

"Well, you see, the drunk driver who hit you was walking out of the hospital..." she began but was cut off by Fitz.

"Skye, you didn't... did you?" he asked.

"No, but I really really wanted to though, so I went home and worked the bag for a couple of hours and then came back. It's why I was late yesterday. Geez, Fitz, have some faith." she scolded.

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