Chapter 18

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It's been about a month since the BBQ and to say things with me and Ayana was going good was an understatement. We got along so well that even when we had our first real argument neither of us stayed mad at the other for too long. We both came to the other wanting to hash it out and we did after I ate her pussy for hours straight until she couldn't take no more. I made her little ass tap out and apologize.

I was at the trap with Bright wrapping bricks we just got done stepping on. I had to snap out of thinking about Ayana and get in the moment. We had too much going on for me to be in lala land. Looking over at Bright I knew something was up. Bright was unusually quiet. I would bet any amount it had something to do with Deja little ass, since the BBQ she been avoiding Bright like the plague which was hard since she been around a lot.

Her and Ayana was like best friends now, I couldn't understand how girl be best friends so quick but whatever gives Ayana something to do while I was away is cool in my book. Better believe I had eyes on her though, I had to make sure she wasn't keeping bad company or being bad company.

It was awkward when we all was together. Deja would say little to nothing to Bright who kept trying to talk to her. Not to mention she would flirt and talk to other niggas right in Bright face pissing him off to the max. It was at least 3 separate occasions I had to stop Bright from showing out reminding him it was his fault. Plus they not together so he can't be showing out like that. That's a straight bitch move.

Whenever they was left in the room together she would leave out or have something she all of a sudden had to do. I could tell it was getting to Bright he was so used to bitches following him around wanting just a little bit of his attention that having Deja ignore him was killing him rather he admitted it or not. Shorty had him tripping bad that little pussy must be awesome. I haven't seen my friend like this in years.

"Brah you good?" I asked studying him.

"Yea I'm good. Just thinking about shit" he said. I knew he was lying but I'll play along.

"What? Lil Dej?" I asked watching him waiting for the lie some more. That made him smack his lips.

"No nobody sweatin that broad." He said with a screw face.

"Stop fronting you know her not talking to you getting to you. You should've thought about that before dismissing shorty, not to mention letting that beast kiss on you" I said shaking my head. He knew damn well he shouldn't have let that girl that close to him that she even could do that. Beside he probably ate Deja from head to toe shorty got a mouthful of her sister Pussy. It get no thirstier than that.

"Brah you know it wasn't like that. I told her I was good and she still went for it." Bright said shaking his head.

"Still Brah how you think she felt having you all up in her guts one minute only to turn around and kiss her sister the next? Not to mention you brushed her off like she shouldna been mad. Honestly tho I don't think that shit was even about you just some built up shit between the two of'em"

"She said that but the way she said it was like I'm some lame, like a nigga not worth it or something. I didn't expect that to be a reason for her to stop fucking with me completely." He said pausing, shaking his head he looked at me.

"When the fuck You become a love doctor? Tryna preach to me and shit" Bright asked wrapping his last brick before we both started packing them into duffle bags.

"Since I got with Ayana, It's like now when I'm doing shit or about to do some shit I think how would she feel about that shit and I know for a fact she would've been pissed too if she caught me doing the same even if we wasn't together. Probably would've tried to fight me too" I said with a chuckle.

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