Chapter 15

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It's been almost a week since Ace was shot. His arm was non functional but other than that he's the same or maybe I should say he's a little different. Every since we almost kissed he has been more touchy feely. Whenever I was near him he would rub on me or he was always doing something that he needed my help with that involved him touching me in some kind of way. Not that I was complaining, this is what I've been waiting for.

I just was a little skeptical. Was he finally seeing me as more than just my age or was he doing this because he felt obligated. Like he owe me or something. I really hoped not but you could never be too sure. I knew I didn't just want to jump into something but only a dummy would let a man like Ace slip through her fingers. I may have been young but I would like to think that I wasn't dumb, not by a long shot.

I wanted him so bad it scared me, every word Dre spoke in the back of my mind. What if he was out there fucking mad chicks then what? Would he expect me to just be one of many again? Never again was I going through that. I finally got a new phone so there will be no more calls from Dre, something I was glad for I didn't need the drama.

Hearing the timer on the stove bringing me out of my head. I was in the kitchen cooking some stuffed shells, homemade garlic bread, salad with all the fixings and some homemade dressing I found on Pinterest. Popping the shells in the oven I went back to making my dressing. I always try to switch it up, I get bored with eating the same old same old.  I was so invested in making my salad dressing I didn't notice Ahmad standing in the doorway, watching me. Turning around I damn near dropped the dressing when I seen him.

"Shit you scared me" I said putting my hand to my chest, my heart damn jump out.

"Ma bad" he said walking further into the kitchen making himself comfortable at the island.

"What you doing?" He asked as I opened up the oven showing the stuffed shells that was just put in so he could see, feeling a heavy smack on my ass that echoed off the walls making me snap up and look at him. He loved fucking with me like that, making my clit jump at the way he was looking at me.

"Cooking duh" I said barely able look at him, catching him staring at me.

"What?" I asked blushing it was like he was looking right through me.

"Nothing I cant look at you now?" He asked raking his eyes up and down my body, making me clinch my legs together. He was making it hard for me to keep my hormones in line.

"Cmere?" He said in a demanding tone that I just loved. It was something about the way he demanded  me I just loved it, it never felt forced or like I had no choice more like he knew I like that shit so he did it just cause. Closing the oven I walked over to him and with his good arm he pulled me in between his legs rubbing his hand up and down my thigh, stopping just at the cusp of my ass before rubbing back down making the flood gates open up. Fuck, he had to know what he was doing to me.

"You know it's been a long time since I liked a female past fucking, and with you I feel like I want more than just that with you. I know I said no because of everything that's going on but I changed my mind. I want yo little ass bad." he said looking me dead in my eyes seeming to be searching for something.

"I know you still young and wanna go to school and be on yo miss independent shit and I respect that but I really want to try this. No bullshit." He said wrapping his arm around my waist resting his hand on my ass palming it pulling me closer.

I thought on it for a Minute, could I really trust another man with my mind body and soul? Am I really ready for what he's asking for? Not to mention there was still Tiffany and the whole baby situation.

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