Chapter 6

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I couldn't believe it when Bright called me earlier telling me somebody came through the hood and stole Little Mama car. I knew this wasn't nobody but that nigga Dre, after what she caught him doing you would think he would step off. He wasn't catching the hint, it wasn't like she was going to tell anybody. She was already scared to death of the man, she didn't have the balls to do anything with the information she had. It was clear from yesterday that wasn't his first time putting hands on her. The fear that passed through her eyes was nuts to me. He was supposed to be her protector not be the one she needs protecting from, I wasn't surprised though.

Any grown man going after a female that young is a predator point blank. I was just wondering how he knew where her car was at, the spot where Debo parked it nobody would know it's there unless somebody told them. I used that spot for when I'm doing dirt and need to get rid of the car I'm in quickly without having time to go to the chop shop.  I was gone have to make sure I asked Debo about that.

Now this girl in here crying and shit something I knew nothing about, growing up I was always taught that men didn't cry. Men didn't even entertain those kind of emotions. I didn't have any sisters, so seeing her cry was making me a little uncomfortable. I felt bad for her having to got through this all by herself, giving her a hug was the best I could do without having to say anything. I might sound too harsh right now anyways.

I know first hand how it is to not have anybody to fall back on if it wasn't for my brother I would've been just like her left out here on stuck, making this all too relatable. Plus if her being near me fucks with Dre as much as I thought I was gone do it. I was going to keep her close so I could get as much information about him as I could, she been with him for 6 years she got to know something. I was hoping that this whole thing would look like more than what it was.

That's all I needed was for word to get around, all people do is talk and eventually Dre will come to me. After years of looking for him and never being able to catch his snake ass like I wanted to, this was the closet I've ever been to catching him. I hated to use her like that so I wasn't gone put too much pressure on her. I don't want her feeling used when she already going through the most or flip on me and try to set me up. I would hate to have to kill such a pretty face. She still shy right now, I knew I would have to warm her up to me.

"You could use mine, relax. What's ya name by the way? Ace and you are?" I asked looking her face over noticing some of the swelling went down. Turning her back toward me I let her go.

"Ayana" she answered with her soft voice. She sounded so innocent when she wasn't yelling.

"I'll just call you little mama it fits you." I said, looking at her short frame.  That made her blush. I noticed but didn't say nothing, I wanted to keep her and everybody else guessing. I wasn't gone lead her on but I wasn't gone stop her from liking me either. I knew what it was when she was checking me out. I'm not gone front and act like she couldn't get it if she ever asked for it.

Don't get me wrong I wasn't trying to use her in that way but I could tell without that knot and swollen eye she was pretty as hell. Her smooth dark brown skin with pretty slanted brown eyes, full lips that was just plump enough not to mention her dimples that poked out every time her mouth moved. She was definitely beautiful and stacked with a coke bottle shape she was just a little too young for me to try to get serious with. If only she was a few years older I thought to myself looking at her as she stood there still trying to hide her face.

"Go head get you a shower we'll talk more when you get out" I said leaving out the room to give her some privacy.

Walking down the hall I could hear a phone ring. I knew mine was in my room on the charger so the only other phone in here was hers. I threw my burner phone away. I'm going to buy a new one today. Going in the room I put her in last night I found her phone on the night stand where I left it. Picking it up I seen it wasn't a number she had stored so I picked up. Yeah I was doing the most but fuck it she catch me she catch me, besides I was curious to see who was on the line. Had to make sure she really wasn't on no bullshit.

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