Chapter 4

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I couldn't believe Dre had some niggas following her trying run her off the road. It made me wonder why he going so hard to get her. All the bitches he used to be with, it really came as a shock that he even had this girl at home. I knew as soon as I seen Dre had some kind of connection to her that I was going to take her, she was too young for his bitch ass anyway.

I knew Dre was women crazy and I was willing to do anything to make that nigga hurt before I ultimately put his ass in the dirt. After the way he did my brother that nigga definitely had it coming from me and that's a fact. The way he was dragging shorty I knew she meant something to him, so I knew that was my way to his ass. This was the first I was able to get that close to him but I knew it wouldn't be the last. I made a mental note to ask her where that nigga been. I've been looking high and low for him then out of nowhere he pop up looking for a female typical Dre. 

I had something he wanted now and I didn't have any plans on giving her back.  Eventually we will cross paths again and when we did he better pray it's out in the open with witnesses around. I wanted to crush that nigga soul before sending his bitch ass to the upper room.

"Wassup brah??" Bright asked trying figure out what's going on as he continued to count the piles of money that was sitting on the table in the kitchen where he was, Gun in his lap.

"I just told you that's ol girl from Wendy's, he had some niggas chasing her down. You see the back of her whip shits smashed in." I said without looking up, I was too busy stacking the already counted stacks of money in duffel bags.

"Oooooh that's her?" He asked stopping what he was doing leaving out the kitchen. He came back just as quick as he left.

"She do look young as fuck. That nigga stay with some young broads" Bright said shaking his head going back to what he was doing.

"So what now? What you about to do with her? She in there knocked out sleep too." He asked putting a rubber-band on his last stack he had to count for the night and tossing it at me, as he started packing the rest up quickly.

"Honestly I don't know. I guess take her home with me." I said hunching my shoulders.

"Take her home with you? Nigga what? You don't know that bitch for all we know this could be a setup. You already did too much bringing her here" Bright said shaking his head.

"I doubt that shit. You see her eye and that knot on her forehead only a dumb broad would go back to that." I said thinking about it.

Bitches is dumb enough I'm sure this ain't his first time putting hands on her. Making me wonder if she was serious about leaving or not. I'm being reckless right now but everything in me was telling me to do it anyway.

"You better hope you right with this save a hoe bullshit you got going on. I seen bitches go back after way worse. You not tryna fuck with her fuck with her, are you?" Bright asked looking at me.

"Nah I'm not on it like that, I am gone help her tho. Not only to piss that nigga off but to get her away from that Chester molester ass niggas. Cause on some real shit if I had a little sister I would want somebody to help her if she found herself in some bullshit like this. Besides you should've see his face when I said she was with me. That nigga was ready to shit a brick." I said laughing, I could remember the steam coming out his ears.

"Not on it like that? The fuck nigga you doing all this like you feeling her or something. Besides you taking her to ya house and shit. That sound like a little more that just helping." Bright said with a confused look on his face.

"Why not just drop her ass off at a hotel or something?" He questioned.

"Brah right now not the time to be tryna fuck with her like that. You see her face? Last thing she need right now is me tryna slide up on her. And what's wrong with taking her to my house? I'm barely there and it beats having to pay for a hotel or something" I said matter of factly, mocking him at the same time.

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