Chapter 10

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Shit was becoming harder as the days passed. At first I wasn't even looking at her like that but then again I was especially after seeing her naked. After the third week of just talking getting to know each other cuddling and shit, something I hardly do with other females, I knew I was starting to like her more.

Once her eye went down I was able to see just how beautiful she really was. Not to mention every time I turned around there was a hot meal waiting, she always kept the house clean and smelling good and she did the laundry all on top of her keeping herself up. I never asked her to do any of that.

She just did it on her own. No questions asked, I liked that about her. Conversation was crazy with her too, we talked about everything under the sun. It was making me want her more than I should, I could see why Dre wanted her back. He definitely trained her well. She knew how to hold down the Home front.

It was taking everything in me not to take it there with her. She didn't need another man coming into her life trying get with her. Not right now anyways. This morning was a test that I almost failed I really wanted to put her up on the island and devour that little pussy then fuck her for the rest of the afternoon. By the way she was stroking my shit I knew she wanted me too. I really didn't know how much longer I would be able to stop myself. I was a man after all.

Even though I told her she wasn't ready, I was starting to think I wasn't ready. This was all coming in quick and fast. I didn't want to rush into anything but I couldn't lie after having her to myself  sharing her was something I wasn't willing to do if I was being truthful. I haven't had to share her with anything and I didn't want to start. I was selfish when it came to her, I wanted her all to myself. I didn't miss the change in her mood when she thought I was going to fuck another bitch so it's clear she didn't want to share me either.

Then to catch her playing with her pussy right after, I had to walk away if not I would've got in that shower with her. As much as I wanted some pussy I couldn't bring myself to fuck her. I wanted to enjoy the shit, not just fuck her. I liked her that much. I tried fucking other bitches but that shit never worked. I would always be wondering if little mama felt like that or even better? Do she moan loud or soft even the dick in her? I would be so busy thinking about her I wouldn't be enjoying myself or I would enjoy myself too much. Last bitch I was with I called her Ayana name, that's when I knew I wanted her little ass bad. That's why I was at Brights instead of being balls deep in some bitch. We just got finished stepping on some bricks now we was packing it up.

"You more quiet than usual wassup?" Bright asked.

"Shit man I think I'm starting to feel Ayana a little more than I thought. She too young for me tho" I said putting the last brick in the duffle bag before zipping it.

"You really acting like you a old ass man Brah. You not that old for one plus I seen the way she be staring at you. She want you just as bad if not worse." Bright said shaking his head.

"You sound like her with that old shit. That's the thing tho. I'm grown as fuck I don't have time to invest in some young bitch only for her young ass to decide it's to much for her and fuck with other niggas and run off. Then her ass would be running from me." I said my mind trying to take a trip down memory lane. Bright laughing brought me back.

"I get that but she not her. Kema did you dirt but shit that's apart of the game. You win some and you lose some. And to keep it one hundred you should've known better all the signs was there you just chose to ignore it where now you don't have that to worry about shorty hangs on yo every word and her eyes follow you wherever you go. I bet she cooking for ya ass right now, you better stop playing before somebody else snatch her up then you gone be mad tryna fuck somebody up. She gone be outside soon then what?" he said making me shake my head. Another nigga don't even stand a chance. I wouldn't even let that go down. He might as well dig his own grave trying to fuck with her.

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