Glossary of Japanese words often used in Temper

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dogi -- white pants and jacket used as training gear by aikido, judo and karate practitioners

dojo-cho -- leader of a martial art school

goshujin sama -- honored husband, honored lord/master

hakama -- black and flowing traditional trouser worn by aikido practitioners who hold a 'dan' rank (black belt)

kohai -- practitioner holding a lower rank than yourself

kyu -- grade conferred to Japanese martial arts practitioners before they achieved the first 'dan' rank

mudansha -- practitioner of a traditional Japanese martial arts who doesn't hold a 'dan' rank yet (black belt)

neko -- cat

oku sama -- honored wife

seiza -- Japanese traditional way of sitting on your knees and ankles

sempai -- practitioner holding a higher rank than yourself

shintoism -- the main, traditional religion of Japan, along with Buddhism. Shintoism is an animistic religion: everything (including non-animated objects such as wind, swords or stones) has a spirit.

shodan -- first black belt rank

tatami -- straw mats used in dojo and in rooms inside Japanese houses

ukemi -- rolling, falling queen_of_sass

uke -- attacker and recipient of a martial art technique

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