Chapter XX

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I linger in front of Alex's house, slightly rolling on the balls of my feet, pushing back strands of curly hair impatiently, looking down at my nails that have been bitten to a damaging extent, and my outfit that I instinctively straighten out every few seconds attempting to calm myself down with deep, loud sighs, suspiciously glancing at frequent passing adults.

I spent the past few hours laying on my bed, listening to the radio questioning whether it would be a smart idea to stand outside of Alex's house waiting for someone to answer considering what happened last time I made a stupid decision at Christopher's house.

But then I remembered how kind Alex's parents were when Mama and Rose died.

They did everything they could to help with the situation, and were the ones that had to carry me away from Rose's grave when I broke down and couldn't stop crying.

I only remembered them a week ago, when Alex told me the name of his parents and it just made me realise.

I never knew that Alex was their son.

At that age, I didn't even know that Alex existed.

I don't really know why they helped but it never truly mattered, because it made me feel slightly less terrified.

So, here I am on a Saturday evening, feeling strangely uncomfortable, holding myself protectively and waiting for someone to answer the door.

Alex's house is in the total opposite side of Birmingham, right in front of a non-ending row of huge, ancient-like trees hiding anything that could possibly lie further than where I stand, giving me an eerie feeling of danger.

It also seems to be bigger than all the houses on the street, and more expensive than all of them as well. It was frighteningly beautiful, like something out of a fairy-tale but better. It took me by complete surprise when I saw how amazing the house was at first.

A few people passed but apart from that the street was basically empty which added to the fear.

Maybe I was paranoid but my ears kept on picking up on multiple noises in the bushes, kind of like twigs snapping or footsteps on leaves.

My focus isn't really on the door anymore when it slowly creaks open causing me to take a few steps back, still not completely convinced about the safety of the area.


I feel a huge weight of worry just disappear, the minute I see Christopher's tall, muscular figure hanging by the entrance.

"Hi," I smile, which receives an unnecessarily long confused stare in response.

Christopher steps out of the house slightly, observing how dark it has become, how scarce the streets are and how sketchy everything looks.

"What are you doing here?" he coughs, his voice slightly raspy.

"Erm... well I came to talk to Alex."

Christopher's face hardens immediately, his jaw clenching, and eyes turning moonlight blue signalling that for some reason he's unhappy.

Knowing Christopher, it doesn't seem like a good idea to be near him when his eyes start changing colours.

"What do you need to talk to Alex about at... ten pm?" he raises his arm, blocking any possible entry into the house.

I pause for a while struggling to give a plausible answer.

"None of your business?" It must have sounded better in my head, seeing as it comes out as more of a question than a statement.

"What's going on?" Alex emerges out of nowhere only wearing a trouser, pushing past Christopher and tugging at his own curly golden hair.

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