Abagail subtly brushed her hand against his as she walked passed him into the room. He smiled like a dork before following the rest of them in.

It was a small room, like the one Daniel had been first put in to learn of the pack. When Abagail had sat on the table and he learned about a mindlink, and later had sex with her. Not on the table... But he doubted Abagail would be against it.

"Please, have a seat," Abagail and Caden sat at one side of the table. Time to get down to buisness.

Daniel had a chair right behind Abagail's, keeping him safe and tucked away. And most importantly close to her. To keep him seperated from the rogues. Because he was Abagail's, and she didn't want to have to rip him from the table if something went wrong. Because she would throw him out the way before ripping whoever threatened him to shreds. Felicè was the reason for her being so on edge.

"This is a care package that has all the information you will need. Including your temporary address, work places that are hiring, " Caden slid a large, buldging folder across the table towards the small family. "And a list of schools and information on them for you to enroll your daughter in. You have options."

Felicè's eyes widened, staring down at Jessie who reached out to look at the schools. The little girl practically climbing onto the table as she stared at them. She watched her daughter, who practically burst with excitment.

"Being part of our pack means compulsory enrollment," Caden said, smiling at the younger girl.

"What?" Felicè gasped, eyes wide in shock. She didn't believe these children. They couldn't give them this for nothing. It had to be a lie. "No, you're lying," The woman stood up quickly, face pulled back angrily. Burning with red, fiery rage.

"Felicè, please," Anthon begged, pleading with his woman. He wanted this. For him and his daughter. For them. "We can be a family," he continued to plead and beg with his hard headed mate. Abagail wanted to say this is where her and Felicè stopped being similar... But Abagail wasn't a rogue with her own child. She already was in charge of Daniel's safety. If anything, they were more alike. Felicè grinded her jaw. "Do this for Jessie, she deserves to go school. Look at how happy she is."

Jessie peared up at her Mother, little brown eyes glowing. "I want to go to school, Mummy," She asked, reaching out to hold her Mother's hand. Felicè couldn't swallow her pride as easily, instead she glared at Abagail, ignoring her daughter.

Sensing the Beta's slowly rising anger and need to snap at the woman, Daniel took it upon himself. Daniel played with the ends of her hair. Which had curled dramatically from her day. His fingers gently tugged at her long hair, curling around her strands. He was great at distracting her.

"Whatever," Felicè growled, pulling Jessie into her lap, away from the care package. She folded her arms tightly around the young girl, like Anthon had done last night... Early this morning.

"We will give you time to read over everything before coming back to us with your final decision," Abagail responded, eyes gazing over Felicè and to Anthon, obviously the more realistic one of the two. Slowly Felicè rose, letting Jessie stand on her own two feet, staring straight passed Abagail.

"Who's that?" She asked, pointing at Daniel. Felicè's eyes trained on Daniel now. A predator's assessment.

"Hi, I'm Daniel," He greeted, waving awkwardly, smiling shly.

Felicè growled at him. Animal, as she eyed him. Abagail instantly standing up to meet the older woman eye-to-eye. Abagail growled back. Just about as much ferocity as Felicè.

"Abby," Daniel murmered, rising gently. He pressed a hand to her back, leaning into her side. His breath fanned her neck, dancing along her exposed mate. He pulled her back into her seat by her dress, hoping it would calm his little Beta. Everyone stared at her, and him. The older man arched an eyebrow in surprise.

Her Human Heart (book 2) HHMWhere stories live. Discover now